Branches and parts are lassoed onto new canvas to be chopped and formed into necessary shapes for old man, bird and canoe.
step 2 of 12
Head, arms and fingers are started here using edit/transform/duplicate tool, rotate and smudge tools.
step 3 of 12
Forearms are created from branch shown here.
step 4 of 12
Hat and glasses are formed using the circle shape from the end of a log. Later i decide to not use the glasses, however, but instead to add hair, mustache and beard from a piece of branch shaped with liquify warp tool. Same shape is used for the feather-like belt added later.
step 5 of 12
Flute is fashioned from a stick that seemed to have hole shapes on it. Smudge tool shapes the end of the flute where sound comes out. Mouth of man is opened using the liquify bloat tool, then darkened with burn tool inside. Man's hat is shaped further to look old and sort of crushed using liquify warp tool.
step 6 of 12
Background photo is now used and will have cloning done to it to remove foreground rocks and also behind figure to create more solid color behind him for a better sihouette. Soft brush tool will over the background will give a slightly foggy look as in poem.
step 7 of 12
Figure is brought in over background, and using the larger piece of wood, and scaling it even larger, a canoe is shaped with eraser tool. Brush tools and cloning tool are used to finish the canoe, then dodge and burn tools add highlights and shadows where needed. Water below canoe is also darkened using burn tool.
step 8 of 12
Now the upper legs are being added to figure.
step 9 of 12
Lower legs are added here in same way upper legs were added.
step 10 of 12
Clothing is completed with shape used in hair and mustach. A lot of the white water is cloned out here.
step 11 of 12
Bird is created here as shown.
step 12 of 12
Bird has been added now, and fog layer to layer of background with soft brush tool.