This is the setup in Realflow. 110,000 particles. and 200 frames. Imported the olive and glass from Max in .sd format which is realflows own file format.
step 2 of 10
Here are the node settings for the fluid emitter.
step 3 of 10
These are the nodes that I used for the whole simulation.
step 4 of 10
The node settings for the standard realflow mesh.
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The node settings for the glass mesh imported from Max
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The node settings for the olive imported from max. The Olive was created in max using a sphere and elongated slightly with the scale tool.
step 7 of 10
The final scene setup in max once the splash mesh had been imported in from realflow. A taget direct as the sun, and a Vray light plane in the hole.
step 8 of 10
These are all the materials I used in the scene, A HDRi was used to provide some environment lighting the HDRi was from the Dosch "radient skies" pack. All the material except the stucco was created by me, see the links for the stucco.
step 9 of 10
Into photoshop for some post processing. I used a selective color adjustment to enhance the blues from the sky, I also added a vignette using the brightnes contrast adjustment layer and it's mask.
step 10 of 10
So now into Nik Software color efex pro for some more adjusting. 3 filters used to enhance the image. Polarization, sunlight and Another less obvious vignette.