A Work in Progress: MP3

This guide was made for entry:
In Contest:
portable electronics

step 1 of 5

my work as usually is based on
trial and fail method. so my SBS is very short...

create a sphere.
add holographic buttons and stuff.

Creation of MP3: Step 1

step 2 of 5

add more detail to the ball, like
adding a port for earphones, and glass surronding it.

Creation of MP3: Step 2

step 3 of 5

start creating the earphones.
create one spline, and then copy it to make the other wire.

Creation of MP3: Step 3

step 4 of 5

create the earphones...
they have to be transparent so try to add as much detail as you can.

Creation of MP3: Step 4

step 5 of 5

the look of the finished scene.
don't forget to add hdri to make it more realistic.

Creation of MP3: Step 5

Final result

Creation of MP3: Final Result

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