Hello guys! This is my first contest and my first tutorials I hope you will understand a little my idea! But before that I hope you will be board and tired maybe some of you will be seat and die. So b4 you follows me have a coffee when you follow my tutorials.
step 2 of 17
I just wanted to create simple thing like out of bond. so I just figure why should I just make it the “SEAL†try to out from “Laptop�
First I create New 5315 x 5645 document size and I fill with Black
step 3 of 17
2. So I need the source which is LAPTOP so I download free stoke from http://www pxleyes.compicture13534laptop.html by the way thanks to jaescoe21. The laptop. Then I open and copy the laptop to the New document.
remove the background then select all and copy and paste on black layer Then I resize it.
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step 9 of 17
After I select it I just make it mask the area so next I will put the “SEALâ€
step 10 of 17
And I open the “SEAL†select all and in copy and paste behind the Laptop
step 11 of 17
So we have “Seal†in the “Laptop†next we resize the Seal to fit the laptop screen
Next we need the hade to be out from laptop. On 4th part I mask the laptop which menace I can remove or reuse the laptop image any time.
Then I select the laptop Mask layer. Then I select brush and black colure then I remove the laptop from seal head and.
step 12 of 17
The text and optic flare. I create the optic flare just new layer and fill it black and I select Filter> Render>Lens Flare and I just ageist it and press ok.
step 13 of 17
12. After I finished I change the blend mode to screen and the black color will remove and the lens will be visible. And I just add some strike line to looks nice.
step 14 of 17
The other one is the text I just select “Book Antiqua†family text then Wright my 3d world and I make M,W,D to capital letters to looks reflects.
Then I double click on my font layer and add gradient overlay. To looks real reflects.
step 15 of 17
Next are the lines. I just select Pen tools and draw lines in new layers above all. And fill it different colures. And add same shadows and highlights on blending area.
step 16 of 17
At final I just add some colures and hue and saturation. To be the environment similar.
step 17 of 17
At last you mad it, if you’re steel alive and follow my tuts. Thanks so mach and see you on other tuts.
nice job! its explan something!
(5 years and 2876 days ago)