I removed all people from the image using the (spot) healing brushes and clone stamp tool.
step 3 of 13
I added shadows in the spots where the people used to be. I did this using two curves adjustment layers: one for the core shadow and one for the penumbra. I created the falloff of both using different sizes gaussian blur and motion blur. Lastly, to break up the shadows a bit and make it seem like they are cast onto grass, I displaced them using a grayscale version of the image from step 2.
step 4 of 13
I copied the people from the background layer and moved them up over the shadows. The distance up is loosely related to the distance from the camera.
step 5 of 13
Using a simple brush I reconstructed items and body parts that were obscured by grass or rock. Also, I retouched some unwanted shadows and added some levitation effects to hair and 'bikini wires'.
step 6 of 13
Using the free transform tool, I added levitation effects to the distant flags on the buildings and to the viewers left foreground branch.
step 7 of 13
Since I could not find a suitable image of a towel online, I took a picture of a large towel specifically for this entry. I masked the towel using channels in Lab color mode. Some levels adjustments and some dodging and burning and I had a really nice mask really quickly. Then, I placed it on top of the background image and adjusted the perspective using the free transform tool.
step 8 of 13
I masked the girl using the pen tool in combination with pixel based masking techniques for the hair. I then placed her between the towel and the background layers.
Using the warp tool, I somewhat conformed the towel to the girl. Not too much, though, since there is no gravity. I applied different warp transformations to several selections of the towel to achieve the final result.
step 10 of 13
Using a few curves adjustment layers (some set to screen) and a few layers set to soft light, I painted in shading and lighting for the towel.
step 11 of 13
Using the same techniques as the previous step, I painted in shading and lighting for the girl. Using a hue and saturation adjustment layer, I matched the color of the radiosity to the color of the towel (from yellow to red, basically).
step 12 of 13
Added depth of field and some graduated exposure and saturation adjustments for atmosphere and depth.
step 13 of 13
Added some overall color adjustments and film grain to reach the final image.
Great Job !!
(5 years and 2904 days ago)