First off I made the Banana. Unfortunately I lost the intermittent steps for this. I use the same technique as the previous contest to use splines and a loft nurbs and then some point modeling.
step 2 of 17
Use real photos of a banana to make the texture as its much easier than trying to get the procedurals right.
step 3 of 17
Use a torus, make it editable and so all those sorts of edits. Extrude, inner extrude, bevel, matrix extrude...
step 4 of 17
some simple rings, place them around the banana with the main holder.
step 5 of 17
drew splines between the rings. these are simple biezer splines, they just need to be there so the chain can follow something.
step 6 of 17
using a torus, keep it to as few polys as possible to keep the scene clean. I went with 8 rotational segments each way. Then use "duplicate" set to "along spline" select one of the splines, change rotation, pitch, number of copies.
step 7 of 17
If you do that on each of the splines for all of them it should look like this.
step 8 of 17
This is what it looked like rendered. I like to render along the way.
step 9 of 17
Then I started hanging chain segments from the holders, make 1 chain. Then use instances and cloners to do the rest.
step 10 of 17
okay so the chain segments. 1 Rectangle spline, 1 n-side.
Set the rectangle to 400x200 with 100% rounding and the n-side to 6 (hexagon)
step 11 of 17
Use a sweep nurbs to make the n-side follow the rectangle. Keep the scene clean by making a reasonable number of sub-divs so it looks good but is not too intense.
step 12 of 17
Pillars were relatively easy.
1. Cube
2. Editable
3. knife>loop cut
4. select loop cuts
5. extrude inner
6. Add different material sets.
step 13 of 17
All that togethers
step 14 of 17
2 cubes and a text spline
step 15 of 17
Landscape object.
Mold to suit
step 16 of 17
Add hair to the landscape, in the end I had 300,000 hairs. Used a grassy like hair material.
step 17 of 17
Okay guys. Just the last few points.
Other than the banana in step 2. All materials came from the inbuilt content browser.
I also added a sky object, single omni light with soft shadows which was set at 255:235:205
I think thats all.