Gradient map for cracked mud, perspective transform, adjust blend mode, hue-sat sky. Eventually there were several layers and masks over the sky, cracked mud and desert.
step 3 of 11
Masking of the Enterprise. It was later moved.
step 4 of 11
Masking of warrior.
step 5 of 11
Blend mode selection.
step 6 of 11
Outer glow, color dodge blend mode. Ended up with a few layers for this part of the watch.
step 7 of 11
Create weapon top.
step 8 of 11
Standard shape in ps, the teardrop, filled with color, render fibers, warp, bevel and emboss, then some dodge and burn.
step 9 of 11
Made several selections, and added glows on the Enterprise.
step 10 of 11
Adjust the sky, color blend mode.
step 11 of 11
Radial blur, perspective transform to the watch, mask and duplicate/blur the weapon. Shadows added.
Did some extensive work blending the Stonehenge image with the desert using the mixer brush tool, but most of it ended up covered. Cool tool, tho! (cs5)