A Work in Progress: it's chilled

This guide was made for entry:
it's chilled
In Contest:
cola balance

Original image

step 1 of 6

all the description mention in the images

Creation of it's chilled: Step 1

step 2 of 6

Creation of it's chilled: Step 2

step 3 of 6

Creation of it's chilled: Step 3

step 4 of 6

Creation of it's chilled: Step 4
sources used for this step:

step 5 of 6

Creation of it's chilled: Step 5
sources used for this step:

step 6 of 6

Creation of it's chilled: Step 6
sources used for this step:

Final result

Creation of it's chilled: Final Result

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author says:

i apologies if anything goes wrong please consider as this is my first SBS. have nice time amigos

(5 years and 2841 days ago)
avatar mrunalk
mrunalk says:

IMO not bad for first time but for next time don't combine too much images in one ...and thanks for the tutorial of water drops i like it and
i would like to use it for my PS work !!

(5 years and 2841 days ago)
author says:

i apologies if anything goes wrong please consider as this is my first SBS. have nice time amigos

(5 years and 2841 days ago)