I then add the girl that is provided by pxleyes.com
I mask her out and duplicate her layer. I use the duplicated layer as a shadow by using the perspective tool to change it so it looks more like a shadow, i also color it all black.
In my image i have two copies of the shadow, one larger and one smaller, the smaller is almost all black, while the bigger is transparent.
step 3 of 4
I add in a few copies of the grass, set to difference, multiply and overlay in that order above the background and above the first grass layer.
I also add in one more copy of the background and set it to overlay above the first background layer but underneath everything else.
step 4 of 4
I blur then merge the girls shadow with the girl so i can move them both at the same time easily.
Now, i use a filter called Van Gogh, i use these settings:
Filter length: 17.8
Noise Magnitude: 3.6
Integration Steps: 18.7
Minimum Value: -15.7
Maximum Value: 75.0
Everything else is default. But play around with these settings for different results, i just did this once or twice before i choose these settings :P
I also add a frame around the picture.
And thats it! Hope someone found it usefull even though i dodnt go into super detail.