A Work in Progress: Money-wasting joy

This guide was made for entry:
Money-wasting joy
In Contest:
sign it

Original image

step 1 of 7

The background image is loaded. It has been reversed and slightly edited to fit hand's lightning.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 1

step 2 of 7

The hand is pasted on the sky picture. The pen had to be removed with the clone tool. Levels and colour filter also adjusted.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 2

step 3 of 7

Next thing to do: draw the credit card. It's not much of a big deal as you can see, but I hope it's good enough to show it's a credit card.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 3

step 4 of 7

You may have noticed that, so far, the credit card had undergone a great number of changes! Perspective, levels, distort, burn and dodge tools... But at least it's finally placed the way I was thinking.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 4

step 5 of 7

The island is there. I didn't use the lighthouse part because I had other plans.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 5

step 6 of 7

The rest of the sources are added as we're approaching the final result.

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 6

step 7 of 7

Cropped the image because I felt there was too much "blank space". And after some final adjustements, the picture is ready for the contest!

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Step 7

Final result

Creation of Money-wasting joy: Final Result

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avatar eyecmore
eyecmore says:

Well done but I would have like to see some more text of how you pull this great work off.

(5 years and 2635 days ago)