For the hard plastic body, I created a box. I put a "Subdivision Surface modifier" on it and "LoopCut & Slide" it 3 times before I applied the modifier.
step 2 of 8
For the tools, I took a look at my own knife.
Here's the saw:
The same procedure as for the body, plus boolean-operation with some cylinders to get the saw teeth.
step 3 of 8
The knife is like the saw, a box with "Subdivision Surface modifier", then I put a boolean-operation with a box at the top of it to get a knife shape...
step 4 of 8
Next step is the screw driver. I had to take a good look at my knife to get a shape which looks like a screw driver, but with a Bezier Circle as boolean-operation it wasn't too difficult...
step 5 of 8
The swiss logo, is made from simple Boxes...
step 6 of 8
When I put all together, this is what it looks like:
By the way, the corkscrew is an BezierCircle with a "Screw modifier". I had to play a bit to get this result, so I can't tell you exactly the values to use, but you may get the same result if you try a bit around...
step 7 of 8
Finally, I changed to Cycles Render, add an box as a room, add 2 area lights, and a plane in the background to get a more interesting background...
step 8 of 8
...and this is what it looks like after some time of rendering: