first i made a sketch in a paper then took a picture of it.
after that, i opened it in paint tool sai.
step 2 of 18
then i traced the sketch and made some corrections.
step 3 of 18
step 4 of 18
then i started to color my line art. i put the color in a different layer.
step 5 of 18
then next are the engraved marks in the sword.
step 6 of 18
then the handle of the sword. i chose a color that would compliment with the color of the gem.
then i put darkers colors to emphasize the shape of the handle.
step 7 of 18
then the color of the blade is next. i put its layer below the engraved marks' color's layer so it would not cover the color for marks.
step 8 of 18
then i add some shadows and white circles in the gem so it would really looks like a gem. i hope so...
step 9 of 18
then shadows for the handle.
i used blur tool to make it look good
step 10 of 18
then i improved the shadows a little and put some highlights using water tool and blur tool
step 11 of 18
i put some shadows and highlights in the blade too so it will not look plain.
i used water tool and blur tool here too.
step 12 of 18
as you can see, i put some gray colors behind the engraved marks.
step 13 of 18
then for the background. i chose to put a smoke of dust (i dunno if this term is correct)
i used water tool here using different shades of gray and black. then used blur tool
step 14 of 18
just like what i did in step 13.
step 15 of 18
then to finish the background. i put some light blue colors.
just to inform, i didn't use gradient here because paint tool sai doesn't have one. i just use blur tool.