using pen tool, extracted the mother, a put ii on a different layer.
step 3 of 11
using the same metod, extracted the son in a different layer.
step 4 of 11
go back to the mother layers and go image--adjusment- desaturate or use shift+ctrl+u
step 5 of 11
again go to image--adjusment-- levels, and give it more contrast moving the arrows to the right.
step 6 of 11
now go to filter-- blur--gaussian blur. I gave it 4.3 radius.
step 7 of 11
now is the time to save this layer in a psd format. so, go to save as and save it with the name you want to give it.
step 8 of 11
create a new document in the same siza you are working on.
and start writing whatever you want, until you fill the entire document. save it.
step 9 of 11
now you can discard the desaturated image, because you already have it saved in a psd format. take the letters layer, select all and give it a copy. go to work area and create a new layer above the mother layer and paste it.
step 10 of 11
now is when you apply the displecement map. go to filter-distort-displace and give a value of 15 for both horizontal and vertical scale
step 11 of 11
now is time to put the son layer and the layer of the letters.
use mask and then burn a little.