Ice cream: This is made from a circle with screw-modifier. Set about 189°, and set screw to just a minimum to keep a sphere. You can add a solidify-modifier if you want to give a little width.
step 2 of 8
The bowl/plate: Starting with just one vertex (add a plane, delete 3 vertexes). Just model the profile of the bowl, then put an screw-modifier on it. Scale it as you want (rounder or a bit more oval like here)
step 3 of 8
The berries: Simple sphere (icosphere) with a subdivision-modifier on it. Put it in a berry-shape.
step 4 of 8
The spoon: Add a plane, extrude 'til you get something like the shape of a spoon. With a lattice-modifier, you can model the details of the spoon.
step 5 of 8
Ice Bum map:
I created the ice cream bump map in photoshop (Filter->Clouds)
step 6 of 8
Ice Texture:
The texture for the ice cream is also created in photoshop (simple colored lines with Wave-filter)
step 7 of 8
The table cloth:
Also done in photoshop (Filter -> Add Texture -> Fabric).
step 8 of 8
Final step:
Now that we have all we need, we just need to put all together, and try to find a interesting view... and render it with cycles rendering.