retouching the model:
"clone stamp" with mode "lighten" to remove the thin black hairs on the left upper arm
"healing brush" to remove the scars/bruises
step 3 of 12
expanding the canvas (Menu:Image -> Canvas size)
added a new layer and filled it with black
cropping the model:
added a layer mask and used a brush (hardness 90%) to crop the sharp edges of the silhouette and a sorf bruch (hardness 0%) to crop the hair
step 4 of 12
darken the hair:
added a new layer with layer mode "soft light", drew with a very soft black brush at the too bright parts of the hair to remove the unwanted upper light
darken the overexposed skin parts (mainly the hands):
added a new adjustment layer "levels" and reduced the range of white a bit
step 5 of 12
inserted the stock photo with the folded cloth into the opened psd with the model photo
reduced the opacity of the new layer to ajust the size (so that te hands have about the same size)
step 6 of 12
cropping the arm:
used "magnetic polygonlasso" and a hard brush on the layer mask
adjusting the arm:
added a new adjustment layer "Hue/Saturation" to desaturate und change the brown skin tone into a more red one
added a new adjustment layer "Levels" to remove the dark shadows
added a new adjustment layer "Brightness/Contrast" to bring back the contrast
added a new adjustment layer "Black/White" (layer mode "lighter color") to desaturate it a bit more and to brighten it up
used transformation to adjust the perspective of the arm a bit (Menu: Edit -> Transfom -> Perspective)
step 7 of 12
making a displacement map:
disabled all layer except the one with the cloth and the black background
added a new adjustment layer "Black/White" to desaturate the image
added a new adjustment layer "Levels" to enhance the contrast
saved all as a new psd
step 8 of 12
selected the layer with the model, made a rough selection with the "Lasso" of the part of the face I wanted to stretch
Strg+J to copy this part onto a new layer
Strg+T to stretch and adapt the copy
step 9 of 12
added a new layer und filled up the parts where the folded cloth is still visible with the skin tone
added a bit of texture with the layer properties
reduced the layer with the stretched face and additional coloring to one layer
step 10 of 12
using the displacement map:
Menu:Filter -> Distort -> Displace: horizontal 10, vertical 30 -> OK -> selected the psd I saved as displacement map
set the layer mode of the layer with the stretched face to "multiply"
applied gaussian blur (Menu:Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur) to smoothen the texture a bit
applied unsharp mask with large radius and less strength (Menu:Filter -> Sharpen -> unsharp mask) to math the original face
added a new layer with 50% grey and layer mode "overlay"
used the "dodge" ool to brigthen up some areas
added a new layer with 50% grey and layer mode "overlay"
used the "Burn" tool to darken some areas
used gaussian blur on both layer to make the transitions smoother
added a new layer with a soft gradient (gradient tool) and the layer mode "color"
added a new adjustment layer "Levels" with the layer mode "multiply" to darken the lower part
added a new layer with the layer mode "soft light" and filled it with color to make a colored vignette
Good thinking, you showed it well in the SBS!
(5 years and 2532 days ago)