Started by extracting the mastodon from the source. best way to do that is quick mask mode or if using an older version of photoshop you can use "extract" from the filters menu, the pen tool can also be used by outlining the object then going to the "paths" tab in the layers window and ctrl-click the path you just created to convert to a "selection" then back to your layer and cut and paste
step 2 of 12
using the pen tool i made a selection of a small cross section and then used the "warp" tool to form it into this subtle "S" shape. Then duplicate and flip it assembling the spiral
step 3 of 12
cut the center section out of the source and spread the body apart and place your spiral in place. I used the section i removed from the belly of the source to form the cavity of the body. Molding the shape with the "warp" tool till i had the form i wanted, then turned down the brightness to give it depth
step 4 of 12
acquiring the rose source from last weeks contest i removed the rose from the background. Most of that was achieved by using "select color range" and choosing the black and erasing it. with the rose placed in the image i used a small selection from the end of the stem and replicated and lined them up to lengthen the stem.
Ctrl-click the layer with the mastodon to load its selection then erase the parts of the rose that are to be behind the spiral
step 5 of 12
here you see i have erased my selection added a offset shadow and brushed around with the "burn" tool to emphasize shadow
step 6 of 12
The reflection is made by duplicating the source and flipping it, lower the opacity a bit to give it a bit of transparency. i used the "warp tool here to help line up the reflection
step 7 of 12
Back to the cut out of the rose i stole a leaf off of it and created a leaf using the transform tools to shape and bend it till i had the shape i wanted, created the reflection just as in the last step
step 8 of 12
Added a simple gradient fill to a background layer as a foundation for the creation of the background
step 9 of 12
i chose colors from the rose and scribbled some shapes in the background paying attention to the composition and creating "compliment"
step 10 of 12
applied a heavy "Gaussian blur" to that layer giving distance and scale to the background
step 11 of 12
duplicated the background layer, flipped it, transformed it thinner and lowered the opacity as i had before.
Using the "line" tool i made a HUGE grid then used the "perspective" transform tool to lay the grid on the ground to create glass tiles
step 12 of 12
Using the paint brush, panited the boarder black and applied a moderate guassian blur to create a vignette effect
wow, very well done and also a very nice SBS
(5 years and 2583 days ago)Very good detailed SBS, done with care!
(5 years and 2501 days ago)