Using the pen tool to make the shapes of the box. I basically traced the different planes of the box in the source.
step 2 of 10
Each shape for my box was filled with color. For highlights I made gradient filled layers (red to white)and played with the opacity's. The rivets along the top of lid were made with the elliptical marquee tool and then transformed into perspective. A drop shadow FX applied to my rivets along with some highlights done with a brush and Gaussian blur.
step 3 of 10
Completed box with highlights and shading.
step 4 of 10
Here I am repairing the background. This was mostly done with the clone tool.
step 5 of 10
step 6 of 10
Using the tutorial link below, I made the glass ball. The colors used in the layer FX's are changed to better match the scene, they are my own as are some of the settings.
Added some shadows trying to replicate the shadows on the original box as closely as I could. For this I used a brush on separate layers and used Gaussian blur along with opacity lowering. The reflections are samples from the back ground image layered over the box. Those opacity's were also lowered transformed and treated to some Gaussian blur.
step 9 of 10
For a final touch in an attempt to make the original photograph blend better with my "drawn" parts, I duplicated the 1st finished draft. Too this new layer I applied the filter> stylize >find edges. The layer blend mode was set to darken and it's opacity lowered.