Roofs have been selected with selection tool, then lightened with hue/sat tool.
step 2 of 8
Light grey/blue gradient layer added and reduced to 36%
step 3 of 8
White is brushed over roof areas, edges of railings, fence and grass. With large blur brush, sky is given some swirl
step 4 of 8
Another layer in light blue is added here and reduced to 40%
step 5 of 8
Hue and sat have been changed to blue/purplish hues. A snow pattern was made on a new blank layer by brushing on white spots then blurring with motion blur. This layer is going to be edited to larger and also smaller sizes to create look of snow being in perspective.
step 6 of 8
Color adjustments have been made to background again and several more layers of the snow pattern are added, always moving the layer to a new position. Many small layers are added at top of lighthouse to make it look more out of focus.
step 7 of 8
Larger flakes, brushed and blurred onto another blank layer, are added for foreground flakes.
Filter tool is used to add light render in sky.
step 8 of 8
Finally, brightness/contrast tool is used to give more contrast to entire image.
Well done!
(5 years and 2501 days ago)