Steps in forming a flower from one of the gumdrops chopped from source. Liquify warp, smudge tools, and edit/transform/distort tools were used to create petals, then petals were duplicated, rotated, and distorted to fit around the gumdrop center of flower.
step 2 of 6
Variations of flowers are done here. Stems and leaves came from scaling a green gumdrop into a think strip, then shaping with liquify warp and eraser tools.
step 3 of 6
Here are steps in forming a vase shape from the gumdrop tree source using liquify warp tool, then finishing edges with smudge and eraser tools. Later, edges are softened with blur tool. The filter/distort/glass tool is used for the texture of the vase. Smaller vase is made by edit/scale tool just making it smaller and fatter.
step 4 of 6
Background has been created by once again using liquify warp tool on the source gumdrop tree , then duplicating the new image a number of times to cover the background. A new layer of color is used at low opacity over the background design.
step 5 of 6
Flowers have been added to vases here with brighter ones toward bottom of arrangement. All flowers will be dodge and burned to create light source.
step 6 of 6
Dish of gumdrops is chopped from the source, sized to fit into image, some missing gumdrops are added with clone tool, then some shading and highlighting are done with dodge and burn tools. The spikes at top are made from middle section of the source which looks like glass (or plastic). Smudge tool is used to create the spikes, then they are dodged and burned.