A Work in Progress: A New Twist

This guide was made for entry:
A New Twist
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 8

Source photo used for final step of texture layers.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 1

step 2 of 8

Using the liquify warp tool, the source image is redesigned in an interesting way. Then, using the liquify twist tools, leaf designs are made.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 2

step 3 of 8

Background has been lightened with pale yellow using soft brush tool and a tulip bud is selected from source, removed, and duplicated to use as center of flowers.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 3

step 4 of 8

Here the hummingbird is sketched with a brush tool, then filled in and detailed. Details are done with smudge tool and brush tool. Shadows and highlights are made using burn and dodge tools.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 4

step 5 of 8

A bird is inserted into image. However, it seems to need more space above it, so that will be the next step.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 5

step 6 of 8

To extend the canvas, the image/canvas is used, then the background is extended using the clone tool.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 6

step 7 of 8

The texture layer is added in a new top layer and will cover the entire image.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 7

step 8 of 8

Several layers of the texture have been added, with each being reduced in opacity, and some of each layer is partially erased with soft eraser tool, leaving enough to make the background more interesting. Some of texture is also left at bottom corners for more interest in the flowers and leaves.

Creation of A New Twist: Step 8

Final result

Creation of A New Twist: Final Result

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avatar Heathcliffe

i'm so very impressed. awesome work

(5 years and 2564 days ago)
avatar nilknarfsoive


(5 years and 2554 days ago)
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Well explained, time for a tutorial?

(5 years and 2532 days ago)