On a new canvas the girl source and lily pond are brought in. Lily pond is sized to what will be larger pads and flowers in the immediate foreground.
step 6 of 14
Girl is chopped roughly then edges chopper closer to subject using eraser tool. Wisps of hair will be restored later. The water lily layer is duplicated, sized smaller than original layer, and is layered behind the girl.
step 7 of 14
Background layer is added and edges blended into water lily layer, then merged. Girl's dress is extended with the cloning tool, then water cloned to look as if it comes to the dress.
step 8 of 14
Frog is chopped, flipped horizontally to face the girl, then some cloning done to complete it's hind quaterter. Foot will be brushed in. It has been placed on a lily pad where it will look like she is looking at it.
step 9 of 14
Crown is chopped and sized to fit frog's head, the it is color changed to yellow/red and ruby colored jewels added. Burning tool makes shadows under the crown and under the frog.
step 10 of 14
Girl's arm has been lassoed then rotated to change its position. Brush and cloning tolls will be used to blend edges of arm and to cover original arm.
step 11 of 14
In the process of chopping the girl, fine wisps of hair were removed. This area will have those wisps restored.
step 12 of 14
Smudge tool is used and wisps of hair restored using the wacom tablet and pen to draw in each hair.
step 13 of 14
Here is closeup of the girl's hair after hair is restored.
step 14 of 14
Render soft omni light is added near frog. to bring viewer to center of focus area.