Clone parts of image to even color and texture on wall and steps.
step 3 of 7
Apply Fractalius filter to enhance textures
step 4 of 7
Applied anisotropic filter (Filter>Stylize>Diffuse>anisotropic) two times. Once at a 45º angle, and then again at regular orientation.
step 5 of 7
Create a copy layer of the image and change the blending mode to Exclusion
step 6 of 7
Adjust Hue and Saturation, Contrast and Brightness, and use Paintbrush Tool to blend and soften edge colors and values.
step 7 of 7
Create a Merge Clone layer, place it over the Diffuse layer from step 4, and change the mode to Hue. Use the Paintbrush Tool and Clone Tool for final image clean up and adjustments.