My personal photo, brown egg for blending with head
step 3 of 8
My personal photo for wardrobe
step 4 of 8
My personal photo of the cracked egg for nose
step 5 of 8
My personal photo:
Initial blending of head and egg with some hue/saturation adjustment. Most of the face was removed for this step and only key components of the face remained allowing for the egg texture to remain.
step 6 of 8
My personal photo:
1) Add blurred wall for purposes of presentation.
2) Add cracked egg for nose, blend into head.
3) Add S shaped lines for eyebrows on separate layer, then blur, blend lighter towards end, adjust opacity until it's right.
4) Clipped portions are where I erased for hands and clothes
step 7 of 8
My personal photos:
1) Add hand/arm with shadows on face
2) Add clothing in pieces to get the right angles
3) add shadows on neck
step 8 of 8
My personal photos:
1) Add cracks on nose egg as needed
2) Take image into PS Lightroom for addition of some HDR effect and desaturation for final image.