A Work in Progress: Somewhere Under the Rainbow

This guide was made for entry:
Somewhere Under the Rainbow
In Contest:
flying over the sea

Original image

step 1 of 8

I started off with this girl "catching a ride" on the bird.

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 8

Then I thought about her story. Why is she riding on a bird? Where is she going? She is of course a fairy, flying to an island.

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 8

This is a picture I took of my daughter dancing in the back yard. The next component to the story. Who is waiting for this girl? Well, other fairies of course!

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 3
( hi-res )

step 4 of 8

Since they are fairies, I felt the island should have a magical feeling to it.

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 4
( hi-res )

step 5 of 8

So then I thought, what are they flying away from? Of course, a dark dark sky.

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 5
( hi-res )

step 6 of 8

Added a bigger moon. With a glow.

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 6
( hi-res )

step 7 of 8

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 7
( hi-res )

step 8 of 8

A fairy wouldn't be flying with out fairy dust

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Step 8
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Somewhere Under the Rainbow: Final Result

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