Vase has been color changed to gold using image/adjustment/hue,saturation. The vase has been duplicated, made smaller and placed on layer behind the container to create 3rd and 4th legs.
Leaves have been color changed, also, and are placed in container.
Various liquify 'shapemakers' were used to change the watch into flower shapes. Centers are added with brush tool, dodge and burn tools help give more dimension.
The watch has been flipped on its side (edit/transform/perspective) and has a gradient layer added over it, then reducing the color to allow the watch pattern to show through.
Here a layer has been inserted behind the gradient layer in background. This pattern layer is made from overlapping many watch shapes, merging them, and lowering the opaque quality of the gradient layer to allow the watch shapes to show through.
Finally, the watch is chopped and added on the table near the flowers. Using the edit/transform/perspective tool, the watch looks more like it is resting on one of the container legs. Shadows are added under watch and below arrangement where needed using the burn tool.