A Work in Progress: Skinny Skydiver

This guide was made for entry:
Skinny Skydiver
In Contest:
pixelsquid animation

step 1 of 9

Parachute set to the right angle

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 9

Created the eyes with a 3D sphere that I painted by hand

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 9

Blurred the propellers on the plane

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 3
( hi-res )

step 4 of 9

Strapped Mr Skeleton into the harness

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 4
( hi-res )

step 5 of 9

Selected and cut out all of the clouds so I could animate them.

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 5
( hi-res )

step 6 of 9

Used a plain blue base background

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 6
( hi-res )

step 7 of 9

Each layer was animated independently in Premiere Pro using keyframes. Depending on the layer, I adjusted either size, position, or rotation. Beziers helped with the smooth movements on some.

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 7
( hi-res )

step 8 of 9

All of the layers on the timeline in Premiere Pro

After all the the movement was right I exported to a .MOV file

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 8
( hi-res )

step 9 of 9

To get a GIF files, I imported the .MOV file into Photoshop to create a sequence. I exported to WEB/GIF using a special config to keep the file size low.

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Step 9
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Skinny Skydiver: Final Result

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