Use quick selection tool and select helmet refine edge. output to new layer. Duplicate layer a few times and reposition to make body and armor. This is a photo I took in Poland in 2015.
Again, use quick selection tool and select head and refine edge. output to new layer. Transform - flip horizontal. This is a self-portrait I had laying around on a drive.
Once again, use the quick selection tool and refine edge to cut out figure and save to new layer. duplicate and cut out wing, again using quick selection tool and refine edge and save to new layer for Knight's wing. Take both layers and go to image, curves and play around to give it a metallic/reflective look.
Move the images around to fit to your liking. and create new layer for the background with a gradiant. I ended up using an action from Graphicriver, for the flames and fire brushes to create the flame part. When creating the armor I ended up flipping and erasing parts of the helmet to try and make it appear more like layered armor. Fun project, but I wished I'd have more time to tweak it out a bit more.