Placed fabric sections. Cut out eyes from girl to use as eyes on bear. The foot pads were done with the fabric on multiply mode. The nose was rounded using spherize and painting on highlights and shadows on soft light mode.
Made a background using render clouds filter. Selected the bottom section and used motion blur on the clouds to create the floor texture. Copied the floor section and overlayed it on multiply mode to darken it.
Painted some stitching on the shirt and foot pads. Rendered some lighting effects. Added more shadows to various places. Then I played around with the hues, saturation and colors to get the final image.
OH MY GOOD GOD. All this toil and moil and the end result blows my mind. You have great control and knowledge of PS manipulation and your SBS is a learning experience. This is quite something and I hope you are proud and walking tall.
OH MY GOOD GOD. All this toil and moil and the end result blows my mind. You have great control and knowledge of PS manipulation and your SBS is a learning experience. This is quite something and I hope you are proud and walking tall.
Wonderful SBS. Mahalo.
(5 years and 892 days ago)OH MY GOOD GOD. All this toil and moil and the end result blows my mind. You have great control and knowledge of PS manipulation and your SBS is a learning experience. This is quite something and I hope you are proud and walking tall.
(5 years and 890 days ago)OH MY GOOD GOD. All this toil and moil and the end result blows my mind. You have great control and knowledge of PS manipulation and your SBS is a learning experience. This is quite something and I hope you are proud and walking tall.
(5 years and 890 days ago)