A Work in Progress: Dreamy portrait

This guide was made for entry:
Dreamy portrait
In Contest:

step 1 of 6

The original photo

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 6

Cleared up the skin and brought some color in the hair.

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 6

Desaturation of the face

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 3
( hi-res )

step 4 of 6

Some detailed 'fixes' like the eyes, the make up and so on.

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 4
( hi-res )

step 5 of 6

Again some desaturation and blurring the background to bring more attention to the face.

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 5
( hi-res )

step 6 of 6

Final color corrections and touch ups.

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Step 6
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Dreamy portrait: Final Result

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avatar still26
still26 says:

WOW what a difference. Thank you

(5 years and 797 days ago)