A Work in Progress: Berry Elf

This guide was made for entry:
Berry Elf
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 8

Cropped bg to a vertical aspect and added some more to the top by cloning.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 8

Blurred behind the leaves to give some depth of field.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 8

Add a gradient layer on color mode to make the background behind the leaves green. Cut out strawberry and place in front of leaves.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 3
( hi-res )

step 4 of 8

Cut out baby suit and adjust the red tones to match the strawberry. You will notice it made the hands too yellow. I fixed it in the next step.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 4
( hi-res )

step 5 of 8

Cut out doll face, resize and place in position. Cut out hands from baby source and place in position on a new layer. Match the hands and face colors by adjusting hue and saturation.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 5
( hi-res )

step 6 of 8

Duplicate strawberry layer, turn upside down and warp to make a hat. The greenery on the strawberry was cloned to extend the green leaves around the head.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 6
( hi-res )

step 7 of 8

Add shadows, do some dodge and burn in various places.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 7
( hi-res )

step 8 of 8

Reduce the yellow tones, increase the red tones, changer eye color to green, render lighting, add a vignette.

Creation of Berry Elf: Step 8
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Berry Elf: Final Result

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avatar BWR
BWR says:

Nice SBS. Thank you author!!

(5 years and 646 days ago)