Live 3D comments - page 4

    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:

    wow its awesome. you could change the bg. nice work

    (5 years and 2566 days ago)

    atomic blue lemon
    author says:

    hmmm well actually there are reflections but the light isn't strong so i should'nt have strong reflections ....if u look at the tables the frame of monotors and pc's u can see them....the monitors are matte...about the edges i chamfered them only at the tables...10x for comment

    (5 years and 2574 days ago)

    school lab.
    no avatar
    maozbd says:

    ok, but about the render time you wrote that it took you 11 seconds so...

    (5 years and 2574 days ago)

    Class before school
    author says:

    thank you. now i just added reflection and tried but it dose not look good.

    (5 years and 2574 days ago)

    class room
    author says:

    thank you very much. i will keep this in mind . but i didnt understand what you said about thikness!

    (5 years and 2574 days ago)

    my school
    author says:

    Haha, thanks, and yes, this is my first model of sorts. And I'm not even sure if I reached 50 hours of work with it so far. It's more like 20-25. And thanks for the suggestions. I didn't know some things you mentioned so I'll be looking at them closer. Well, back to reading more tutorials for me.

    (5 years and 2574 days ago)

    Chemistry station
    author says:

    From the guidelines and rules

    8.2. Background Images: Background images may be placed on a plane, or other geometry and used in the final render. Images used in the "Backround or viewport" function and camera matched are okay too. Links are required for images used, or whole uncut images placed in the SBS.

    The image is linked and is a creative commons legal picture.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    I don't really think that your class is thick like this. In my opinion, if I explain your problems, and give some advices how to make better, you learn more, as if I make a comment like above, about how good is.

    So I explain why isn't correct this scene, and you should remember my advises in the future.

    The main problem is that everything is thick, this could be adjusted easily, just have to notice it.

    The second problem is the sharp of the edges, use chamfer tool on every edges that are too close to camera.

    Use texture on models, CGTtextures is full of textures of all the genres, and it's free. Nearly every texture has at least a minimal reflection, don't forget this, your floor will be much more realistic with a blurry reflection, under the right window.

    Best wishes.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    my school
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    The first problem is i think the color of the walls. Why is tha left wall yellow?

    You should create with line tool a cable at least for the keyboard.

    Your edges are too sharp, always use on it chamfer tool, 1 cm 2 segments.

    The lights are ok, but the textures has no reflections.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    school lab.
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    If this is really one of your first 3d model than I would like to congratulate.

    There are some problems, but if you have less then 50 hours experience this work is the very best.

    Let's start with the main problem, this table can not be presented in a simple white or black background render. Here you should put this table near a wall textued with white tiles... it would be much more natural.

    I think you used scanline render or maybe mental ray, but you do not checked the shadow option, so your models seems to be levitating instead of being in the table.

    If you do not remember something, you should search something similar on google, this is totally legal.

    I hade made some major problems in modelling, if you want some advices how to make things easier, contact me.

    Best wishes.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Chemistry station
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    You should use some reflections on the materials, the models are quite simple, but it's quite ok.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    class room
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    I think this entry was off topic.

    Your shadows are too sharp, the mouse and keyboard has unreal shapes, the keyborad should be more wide, and the mouse is too small. The shaders are incorrect too, never use fully black color, in the real word isn't full black color.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Best in 3D contest
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    Don't forget to use chamfer too, don't let the edges to be sharp like hell. Dirt map will help to make your materials more realistic, try to use it.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    The Big Screw
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    Can you explain the rule of the basic teapot at this scene?

    The texture of the wall is too big, I do not saw any bump on it, the teapot has no material at all, the most realistic is the match.

    Try practicing the materials, even if you have good models, if the shaders are shitty, the whole scene will be unreal.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Order Of The Empty Roll
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    The woman in the picture is your photo? If not you are able to use it?

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    author says:

    The rendertime was quite long, so the minimum is that the quality is high, but i dont really wanted to play with the stuff on the desks, this was just a warm up exercise before the more complex one. It will be published soon.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Class before school
    author says:

    Thanks for the advices, but this was just an exercise, I don't want to spend more time on it. I will create something different.

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Class before school
    no avatar
    maozbd says:

    very good render, i like the high quality of the render and especially the DOF is nice.
    maybe take away some desks and show more of the room and add details.
    good luck!

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    Class before school
    no avatar
    maozbd says:

    much better now! good luck

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    class room
    author says:

    thanks you

    (5 years and 2575 days ago)

    class room
    avatar madamemonty

    Congrats Loyd very well done

    (5 years and 2576 days ago)

    The Big Screw
    no avatar
    maozbd says:

    good entry maybe consider to add a little bit of color cause there's a little bit to much wood/ but excellent work anyway!

    (5 years and 2576 days ago)

    class room
    author says:

    thank you

    (5 years and 2577 days ago)

    my school
    avatar paudiyal
    paudiyal says:

    Cool! Very clean

    (5 years and 2578 days ago)

    Car parts
    avatar paudiyal
    paudiyal says:


    (5 years and 2578 days ago)

    The Big Screw
    avatar paudiyal
    paudiyal says:


    (5 years and 2578 days ago)

    my school
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:

    very nice hihi

    (5 years and 2578 days ago)

    The Big Screw
    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    You might want to check the spelling on the shield

    (5 years and 2580 days ago)

    Award for the world tallest award
    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:

    Pretty funny

    (5 years and 2581 days ago)

    Order Of The Empty Roll
    author says:

    thank you very much

    (5 years and 2581 days ago)

    my school
    author says:

    thank you very much

    (5 years and 2581 days ago)

    my school
    avatar rahul.savalia26

    Good One..

    (5 years and 2581 days ago)

    my school
    avatar lchappell
    lchappell says:

    Nice job

    (5 years and 2581 days ago)

    my school
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    The materials at the propeller and in the tyres are incorrect, the propeller does not have any reflection, and in the tyer, is too sharp. The lights are ok. The model is good too, but that is not your work, so do not count.

    (5 years and 2583 days ago)

    avatar Bitmap
    Bitmap says:

    Nice concept and design, the render quality is good too. I suggest less desks and more details (books and pens on the tables).
    and the DOF is nice too, Good luck Author.

    (5 years and 2583 days ago)

    Class before school
    author says:

    Thx for your comment.
    But the matte painting on the car was done on purpose.
    A car in de desert being influenced by the wind and the sand,almost working as sandpaper.

    (5 years and 2584 days ago)

    Left behind.
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    I think there are some problems with the textures, first the asphalt texture is wrapped horizontally, but the main problem is with the texture of the car, it is too matte, I saw your first version of it, and there were much greater textures on it.

    (5 years and 2584 days ago)

    Left behind.
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    I don't really like the way that you used the lights, and the little waterdrops are too similar and/or regular. The bottle is ok, and I like the logo on it.

    (5 years and 2584 days ago)

    The original lager beer
    avatar trialboj
    trialboj says:

    The material of the umbrella is quiet saturated, you could apply on it a color filter in ps, and the shadow is too sharp, watch the shadow of the moped, it is much more blurrier.

    (5 years and 2584 days ago)

    Red Umbrella
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:


    (5 years and 2586 days ago)

    Left behind.
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:


    (5 years and 2586 days ago)

    The original lager beer
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:


    (5 years and 2586 days ago)

    Car parts
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:


    (5 years and 2586 days ago)

    Mars Colony
    avatar pikkar
    pikkar says:


    (5 years and 2586 days ago)

    Bad Valentine day
    author says:

    Thank you!

    (5 years and 2587 days ago)

    The original lager beer
    avatar sienly
    sienly says:

    great !

    (5 years and 2587 days ago)

    The original lager beer
    no avatar
    the_germ says:


    (5 years and 2588 days ago)

    Mars Colony
    no avatar
    chery says:

    thats cool

    (5 years and 2591 days ago)

    Crystal Heart
    avatar sienly
    sienly says:

    so beautiful

    (5 years and 2593 days ago)

    Crystal Heart
    no avatar
    Neha says:

    Your art is perfectly telling the concept.

    (5 years and 2593 days ago)

    Bad Valentine day