Live all comments - page 10

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Think this should be in the plane contest.

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    WWII US Navy Corsair
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Fine action/plane photo this.

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    Biplane at airshow
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good close-up here,not sure why the wheels were clipped though,tis a minor detail though

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    WWII US Navy Corsair
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Clear precise photo this.

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    US Navy WWII warplanes
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Nice action shot this

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    Tipping the barrel
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good action shot,woul crop out that bin though

    (5 years and 283 days ago)

    no avatar

    Hello, would it be possible to use this image on the cover of a book? I'm writing from Bloomsbury Publishing in London. Please email on Many thanks, Lily

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    Zeus casting thunderbolt
    author says:

    Grazie Nico

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    Foro romano
    author says:

    Thank you.

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    Candy Orange Slices
    author says:

    thank you

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    author says:

    thank you

    (5 years and 284 days ago)

    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    Beautiful !

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    Great ! Congrats Patty 😊

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    Foro romano
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Different one,although the person is slighty lost in the reflection.

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good close-up,pity about the clipped ear though,good other than that.

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    Lioness making funny face
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Congrats Abdou

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Congrats B

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    City in the Sky
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 285 days ago)

    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Foro romano
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Well done for winning

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Candy Orange Slices
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    well done for winning

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    well done patty

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Foro romano
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    B, I'm sorry but as you know I'm travelling, so I watch the entries in Pxleyes with a small tablet. I don't vote though as I can't see enough, it is too small. By mistake I touched the wrong place on the left side, I suppose it gave you a bad vote. I ticked the mods and explained my mistake, but now I'm not sure they took it into account. Anyhow it is not only your vote that is too low, have a look! Please, please, please don't go. I'll be back soon.

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    B, I'm sorry but as you know I'm travelling, so I watch the entries in Pxleyes with a small tablet. I don't vote though as I can't see enough, it is too small. By mistake I touched the wrong place on the left side, I suppose it gave you a bad vote. I ticked the mods and explained my mistake, but now I'm not sure they took it into account. Anyhow it is not only your vote that is too low, have a look! Please, please, please don't go. I'll be back soon.

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    author says:

    Wow a 48.1%. I am out of here. See you guys.

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    avatar magicalfruittuts

    Congrats on Second Place

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    avatar magicalfruittuts


    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    avatar magicalfruittuts

    I was busy this weekend and voted on the Island contest. I was going to take my time Sunday and vote on the Boots contest but I got involved with something else and forgot to vote on it. My bad. I would have voted your entry the highest and I have an over 5 voting power. So it probably it skewed the voting. Am happy to see that the boots contest at least had 4 good entries.

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    avatar CMYK46
    CMYK46 says:

    Can't afford shoes for all his feet?

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Entry number 111143
    author says:

    naw....truly I find this kind of photography very challenging...thanks anyways.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    that takes some believing as am sure a LADY of your capability would get much more than 2 right,more like 2 wrong

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    your welcome

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    author says:

    I thought you would reply to this poem!

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Step into My Parlour , said the spider to the fly
    author says:

    Really? Flytipping what an interesting expression and it happens in a civilized country like the UK? WOW This shot was taken in Sri Lanka where they are blowing themselves up in the name of "my God is better than your God"....mind you they are doing that too in Toronto so what am I talking about. Flytipping...thank you.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    author says:

    F18 1/80 sec. With panning, I take about 482 shots and out of them, I get about two that are decent. For me, I find it tremendously difficult to get it right...sigh.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    author says:

    thank you dear

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    author says:


    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    author says:


    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    One for My Baby
    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:

    It's been a million years since I've read that poem. Thanks for posting it.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    Step into My Parlour , said the spider to the fly
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    this goes on in the uk,its called flytipping and if caught you get a heavy fine,mind you most people don,t get caught.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good use of panning in this,what shutterspeed did you use

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar BWR
    BWR says:

    perty cool blend.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    One for My Baby
    avatar BWR
    BWR says:

    The spider is off to work to earn money for it's family.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    Entry number 111143
    author says:

    Thanks CM. I am more impressed with the shoes laces rebuild. But yea, if I had to do it again I would have picked a different image to rebuild the water with. I did a bit of painting to make the water blend as well as masking in parts of the external water. I mostly work in Frame Animation in PS and had 5 different versions of the water that were all good.

    (5 years and 290 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    avatar CMYK46
    CMYK46 says:

    Nice job on the water.

    (5 years and 290 days ago)

    Pirate on the High Seas
    author says:

    Thanks! The wing is just as it was in the source image, I didn't bend it

    (5 years and 290 days ago)

    Hold on tight!!!
    no avatar
    Yohan says:

    Nice! (smile) My only caveat is the way the wing of the Puffin in the middle is bent.

    (5 years and 290 days ago)

    Hold on tight!!!
    author says:

    Thanks much.

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    One for My Baby