Live all comments - page 3

    author says:


    (4 years and 337 days ago)

    Still life
    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    I knew it was you! Only you and few others...

    (4 years and 337 days ago)

    Still life
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    You are supposed to post your own photos here!!!!

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    entry removed...
    author says:

    Source at

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    entry removed...
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    I think the flower is a good idea, goes well with the landscape and the "end of the world" feeling. Last flower on earth!

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Butter Flight
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Yeah. Boredom can lead to strange wonders sometimes

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Ok. Now Im scared. What have I done?
    author says:

    Thanks for your ideas. I've changed some lights and shades of the bird, but... I think I prefered it before. Not sure though... sigh...

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Sunset on the lake
    author says:

    Thanks !

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Herbier 1969
    author says:

    Thanks !

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Herbier 1969
    avatar Drivenslush

    "Carnival of Souls"... EEEP!

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Lockdown madness syndrom
    avatar Drivenslush

    Reminds me A LOT of Fantastic Planet (1973). May cause me to re-watch it.. (though as a child it scared the bejessus out of me )

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Somewehere out there..
    avatar Drivenslush

    Purdy Burdy (a little light burning (super light) along the bottom edges could give a little more "depth" to the birdy, not necessary but could aid in getting rid of the bit of flatness, just a suggestion) you can see the "shading" on the neck that gives a solidity to the image and weight
    . GREAT JOB!

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Sunset on the lake
    avatar Drivenslush

    Reminds me of the "special" history books in the library

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Herbier 1969
    avatar WYSIWYG
    WYSIWYG says:

    Nice work!

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Herbier 1969
    avatar lolu
    lolu says:

    Good idea, however i think the flower is not usefull on this picture
    The Flying insect is very well done !
    Good luck author !

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Butter Flight
    avatar lolu
    lolu says:

    Very nice picture, maybe you can make some part of the bird less blurry
    Good luck author !

    (4 years and 342 days ago)

    Sunset on the lake
    avatar Drivenslush

    What drugs are you on? ...and I want some.... JUST KIDDING... hehehe (AWESOME)

    (4 years and 345 days ago)

    My mind
    avatar Drivenslush

    doot da doo

    (4 years and 345 days ago)

    Long way to go...
    avatar Drivenslush


    (4 years and 345 days ago)

    Artistic Nude
    avatar WYSIWYG
    WYSIWYG says:

    Beautiful mind!

    (4 years and 345 days ago)

    My mind
    author says:

    Thanks. By adding two horizontal lines it will change into a bikini .
    I'm sure censorship will not be an issue, unless we have a majority of narrow-minded US-mods preferring weapons above nudity...

    (4 years and 345 days ago)

    Artistic Nude
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Nice!!! hope the censorship won't strike

    (4 years and 346 days ago)

    Artistic Nude
    author says:

    She's off like a prom dress

    (4 years and 346 days ago)

    Sheryl Decided to Evolve
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    AhAh, so funny! where are you going Sheryl?

    (4 years and 346 days ago)

    Sheryl Decided to Evolve
    author says:

    Thanks W Glad you like it.

    (4 years and 348 days ago)

    Lockdown madness syndrom
    avatar WYSIWYG
    WYSIWYG says:

    Nice work. Like the composition

    (4 years and 348 days ago)

    Lockdown madness syndrom
    author says:


    (4 years and 349 days ago)

    author says:

    Thanks,did the writing myself.

    (4 years and 349 days ago)

    avatar friiskiwi
    friiskiwi says:

    I really like this one.

    (4 years and 349 days ago)

    avatar friiskiwi
    friiskiwi says:

    Love it, did you write the letters on your feet, or did you have help?

    (4 years and 349 days ago)

    avatar WYSIWYG
    WYSIWYG says:

    quite sure one of her looks familiar....

    (4 years and 349 days ago)

    Party in the time of Corona
    author says:

    I'm lucky, I have a garden full of birds

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    Bathroom window
    author says:

    Thanks Rob to make this possible!

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    Very nice view
    Stay safe!

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    I know not 100% B&W, but we'll allow it
    Nice contrast in colors.

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    Entry number 111374
    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    Good job!

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    Good to see you active again

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    Interesting view

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    Bathroom window
    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:

    Good job!

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar robvdn
    robvdn says:


    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    Party in the time of Corona
    author says:

    thank you

    (4 years and 350 days ago)

    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Brillant idea and well done, dreamy...

    (4 years and 351 days ago)

    no avatar
    jason492 says:

    hey everyone if you are want to learn web development and web graphic then you should our site. this will provide you the best approch and you can be expert in both fields

    (5 years and 38 days ago)

    Entry number 111380
    avatar filantrop
    filantrop says:

    Thank you wery much everyone for having been a good time with everyone
    i wish for everyone have a good time in a future.
    Kings regards: filantrop

    (5 years and 152 days ago)

    Entry number 111380
    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    I'm sorry though I understand : my presence has sometimes been occasional due to lack of time. Pxl was an old friend to come back to whenever I could. Thanks for what you did.

    (5 years and 163 days ago)

    Entry number 111380
    no avatar
    Pony says:

    amazing results with easy to follow directions! You are actually a genius in creative development! Would love to attempt but new to this site. Not sure how to download/access the source photo? When I highlight and add to browser it says I don't have permission and cant figure a way inside this site to access???

    (5 years and 171 days ago)

    Lonely fantacy Fairy Practice
    no avatar

    Is it still like this? It makes me sad to see it like this: lived here (in one of the 3 parts it was divided into) in the 70s.

    (5 years and 195 days ago)

    Kinloss House
    avatar WillieLofton

    I like to watch your photos! I hope one day to learn how to take the same photos, in addition I would like to share this with you

    (5 years and 198 days ago)

    avatar WillieLofton

    I like to watch your photos! I hope one day to learn how to take the same photos, in addition I would like to share this with you

    (5 years and 198 days ago)

    no avatar

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    (5 years and 215 days ago)

    Entry number 111380