Live all comments - page 5

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Interesting but don,t think the slow shutterspeed does this one any favours,but might only be my opinion,do wish more people would bloody comment on here.

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    The Fighter
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Trying to fathom this one out.

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:


    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    Smoke Stacks
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Urban stress don,t even come into it,interesting one,what shutterspeed was used.

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    Urban Stress
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Very Peacefull this one

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    Art by Nature
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Thanks for the link. They still look scared, you must have been taking that photo too

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    author says:

    This man is holding a snake and whipping the horses with it, you bet they are frightened

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    mmm nice and with that little hut at the bottom right makes it a photo you can't let go of easily.

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    Loud But Peaceful
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Looks like you frightened the beegeebees outta them! Does the man behind them have the same expression of fear I wonder?

    (5 years and 250 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Can you hear me giggling? Love the dof! lick lick woof.

    (5 years and 251 days ago)

    Sniff..!! Sniff..!!
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    your welcome,just sent you an e-mail

    (5 years and 251 days ago)

    Spilled Blood
    author says:

    its a helter skelter,a fairground ride

    (5 years and 251 days ago)

    Helter Skelter
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I'm trying to figure out what this is...? The top of a chimney, a lighthouse, an observatory? What is the hook? (the focal point to catch us)

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    Helter Skelter
    author says:

    They replaced it with mirrors....just kidding. Thank you.

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    Top of Temple Ceiling
    author says:

    Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha thank you.

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    What Shoe ?
    author says:

    Thank you...appreciate you stopping by.

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    Spilled Blood
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    different,take it its not your bedroom ceiling,wonder if they finished it.

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    Top of Temple Ceiling
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Cute don,t even cover this

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    What Shoe ?
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good abstract and rich in color,and well thought out,clever using this water to get this.

    (5 years and 252 days ago)

    Spilled Blood
    author says:

    The more, the merrier

    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    author says:

    Thankyou you,no it was a local 24 hour festival,this was set alight at 2 year if it happens again,want to be there at that time to get night photos.

    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    Pakefield Man
    author says:


    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Good idea to put this on an angle for setting it in this kind of format always brings a tinge of excitement rather than straight up and down (which oftentimes works as well depending on what you want).

    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Is this the Burning Man Festival I've heard so much about? It feels really huge this photo of Pakefield Man.

    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    Pakefield Man
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    There is always more communication on this side of PXL, so yes, it is more fun and more of a learning experience because more members get involved. I will have to try my hand at it again.

    (5 years and 253 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Ooooh, is it who I think it is?

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Maritime Accident
    avatar CMYK46
    CMYK46 says:

    Hey, you're back!

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Maritime Accident
    author says:

    Thanks... but HE is a White Swiss Shepherd Dog. A male And Gwen is a Welsh word meaning "white, holy"...

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I just noticed that you are brand new to the site so WELCOME.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Stoplight view
    author says:

    Let's play together

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Nice presentation that encourages our eye to go beyond the green "go" ask the viewer to go higher and higher into the sky and that engages our imaginations, but the hook is the green go sign. Clever photograph. You do have a bit of noise in the sky.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Stoplight view
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Gwen, her name needs to be LADY ! You have caught a nice elegance to her with your lens. She is sharp and the fact you kept part of the walkway adds a nice story as if she is waiting for her prince! Technically speaking the colours are realistic, the whites are not blown out and you have left breathing space all around. Great shot!

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Why ?

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    It makes me realize that I still have a lot to learn.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    When I grow up, I
    author says:

    Implode, explode??? Please everybody, come back!!!

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Go? go? go? where? not you????

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Rambutan Rumba
    author says:


    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Almost human
    author says:

    Thanks for crossing the line to this side of Pxleyes sweetie

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    When I grow up, I
    author says:

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    So quickly flying...
    author says:

    Bushra I've been thinking again about what you wrote. Time is a source of stress to me indeed. I always think I'll never have enough time to do everything I have to do. And it is getting worse and worse. Maybe it's only me???

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Keep it in mind
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Ah ah this is so funny!!! (and well done too)

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Maritime Accident
    author says:

    Brian, they are Rambutan (fruit) put this link into your browser and you will see them:

    Yes, the whole link, not just part.

    For this, I just adjusted the saturation, hue lever to change it into an abstract.

    Thanks for stopping by....I will miss you when you go.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Rambutan Rumba
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    wonder what these are

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Rambutan Rumba
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Excellent. A very emotive image for me. Well done, realistic. Top marks my dear amiga.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    So quickly flying...
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I too noticed that shadow...well done.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    When I grow up, I
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Love the whimsy feel, but it does look pasted on. Great fun and imaginative.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I admire your imagination. This PXL site feels like it is going to implode.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    North Pole fantasy
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Cool. Congrats on one and two.

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Almost human
    author says:

    Thanks! Gears, but clock gears

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    Keep it in mind
    author says:

    (5 years and 254 days ago)

    So quickly flying...