Live photography comments - page 7

    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Foro romano
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Well done for winning

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Candy Orange Slices
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    well done for winning

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    well done patty

    (5 years and 286 days ago)

    Foro romano
    author says:

    naw....truly I find this kind of photography very challenging...thanks anyways.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    that takes some believing as am sure a LADY of your capability would get much more than 2 right,more like 2 wrong

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    your welcome

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    author says:

    I thought you would reply to this poem!

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Step into My Parlour , said the spider to the fly
    author says:

    Really? Flytipping what an interesting expression and it happens in a civilized country like the UK? WOW This shot was taken in Sri Lanka where they are blowing themselves up in the name of "my God is better than your God"....mind you they are doing that too in Toronto so what am I talking about. Flytipping...thank you.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    author says:

    F18 1/80 sec. With panning, I take about 482 shots and out of them, I get about two that are decent. For me, I find it tremendously difficult to get it right...sigh.

    (5 years and 287 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:

    It's been a million years since I've read that poem. Thanks for posting it.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    Step into My Parlour , said the spider to the fly
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    this goes on in the uk,its called flytipping and if caught you get a heavy fine,mind you most people don,t get caught.

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    Disrespecting the Environment
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Good use of panning in this,what shutterspeed did you use

    (5 years and 288 days ago)

    On the Road Again
    author says:

    Not really. I told you that I really don't care about Thumbs ups. You just didn't believe me.

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Awwww that is a cop out

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    author says:

    But you already showed appreciation above. (and, thanks, Zizounai)

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    author says:

    Thanks a lot

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    author says:


    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    author says:


    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    A Few Cookies
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    An Apple a Day...
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    Thanks you 2 for all this, as it is the most interresting conversation I've read here for a long time, and congrats for your wins

    (5 years and 291 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 292 days ago)

    Venomous saddleback caterpillar
    avatar still26
    still26 says: spelling sucks..."he can't see too well but eats up ants and flies"..

    (5 years and 292 days ago)

    Thorny back spider
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I think he is absolutely beautiful and he's a good fellow , hw can't see to well but eats up ants and flies ... a grrreat shot!

    (5 years and 292 days ago)

    Thorny back spider
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Gorgeous shot

    (5 years and 292 days ago)

    Venomous saddleback caterpillar
    author says:

    Thank you Brian.

    (5 years and 292 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Headed for the finish line
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Headed for the finish line
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    congrats for 1st

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Headed for the finish line
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    congrats on 1st

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    congrats on ist well

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    author says:

    Thank you, appreciate you.

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Why...because it shows appreciation on my part for your critique and positive insights, that's

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    author says:


    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Wheres the catch Gone
    author says:


    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Pile of Fishing Baskets
    avatar patty
    patty says:

    Congrats on 1st, well deserved

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    avatar patty
    patty says:

    congrats on 1st!

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Reminds me of Canada's maritime province Newfoundland. Nice one.

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Pile of Fishing Baskets
    avatar still26
    still26 says:


    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Like the shadow light play...congrats. (and the patterns)

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    A Few Cookies
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Congrats on this one

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    An Apple a Day...
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    another nice one Brian, congrats.

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Wheres the catch Gone
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    YAYAYAYAYA Congrats Brian.

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    This way
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Congrats. Well deserved.

    (5 years and 293 days ago)

    Headed for the finish line
    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:

    Nice catch

    (5 years and 294 days ago)

    Headed for the finish line
    author says:

    Another question might be - why?

    (5 years and 294 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Why not?

    (5 years and 294 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    author says:

    That's fine, thanks... I don't really care about thumbs ups.

    (5 years and 294 days ago)

    Sweet and Sour
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    NOthing is reliable anymore with FAKE news, FAKE people, FAKE skirmishes, FAKE presidents, FAKE executions, but Wiki knows more than I do

    (5 years and 294 days ago)

    Pile of Golliwogs