Live photography comments - page 9

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Congrats for winning this one.

    (5 years and 299 days ago)

    at sunset
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Congrats for all four olga,hopefully they were okay

    (5 years and 299 days ago)

    Mending Nets
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Congrats for 1 and 2.

    (5 years and 299 days ago)

    Cabin Clean Up
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Like this one,think the human element works but would take out the hotel sign

    (5 years and 299 days ago)

    ....and.....More Umbrellas
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Can see its for the contest,just needs lifting somehow,just wants a bit more oooomph.

    (5 years and 299 days ago)

    ....and....more Umbrellas
    author says:

    Yeah, I got very lucky personally. The Vietnam War ended the year before I was to sign up for the draft. I had the benefit of being military age in while it was part of the only 17 years our country hasn't been at war in our whole history.

    My Plato is at my office, but the top left is Buddha

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Lovely, and they say you only retain 10 percent! I like the clarity and the background to this "pile". I'm writing to you from Vietnam and today we had a coffee with a 77 year old vet who fought in the "American War" (you call it the Vietnamese War). What a sad life he has had and 15 days ago he lost his 52 year old son to a traffic accident.

    You don't have any books by Plato up in your pile, but as Plato said (or it could have been Socrates) ...."remember whomever you meet that they are fighting a private war!" (or something like that).

    I know I know this isn't much of a photography critique but I just felt like writing this because of your photo!

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    A Little Light Reading
    avatar patty
    patty says:

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    a strange windy day
    author says:

    Thanks. She kept bringing bugs to her babies while we were sitting about 10 feet away.

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    Momma House Wren
    author says:

    Thank you

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Big Congratulations!

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    at sunset
    author says:

    Thank you.

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    Cabin Clean Up
    author says:

    sempre ben accette !

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    a strange windy day
    author says:

    thank you

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    at sunset
    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    congrats, well deserved

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    Cabin Clean Up
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Well good close-up

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    Momma House Wren
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    colourfull and like the way this is presented and discarded

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    avatar patty
    patty says:

    Congrats!!!! I'm a bit late, sorry

    (5 years and 300 days ago)

    a strange windy day
    author says:

    I do not have a Dslr all are mobile pics except the cheetah one.....

    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    My mobile morning shot
    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:


    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    author says:

    yes agree,years ago these were popular and kids used to collect bafges of them,was surprised though that these were on sale.

    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    Pile of Golliwogs
    author says:

    Thanks Mark

    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    avatar kyricom
    kyricom says:

    Very nice. I might've cropped a little more closely

    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Here is something from Wikipedia.

    In March 2007, Greater Manchester Police seized two golliwogs from a shop after a complaint that the dolls were offensive..

    Soon, in the UK, in order not to cause offense, it is said that Sharia Law will come into effect and all women will have to wear a hijab.

    Such an innocuous and cute doll and too much PC.

    I like this shot, thank you.

    (5 years and 301 days ago)

    Pile of Golliwogs
    author says:


    (5 years and 302 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I like the abstract feel of this image, it makes my imagination bloom.

    (5 years and 303 days ago)

    author says:


    (5 years and 303 days ago)

    This way
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    You find beauty everywhere, even with the smallest of the small! Good eyes. You need to get it in focus, after all, we want to see the beauty of the bug too. Keep trying.

    (5 years and 303 days ago)

     photography (my photography)
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Nice attempt with sun coming through and waking up the town. The image is full of noise and aberrations around the branches. You need to raise the ISO somewhat and have a better focus. Good attempt!

    (5 years and 303 days ago)

    My mobile morning shot
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Nice closeup but you have a smudge on your lens and the blowouts on the rocks visually confuse us. I like the POV, nice and low but there are quite a few distractions.

    (5 years and 303 days ago)

    SLR pic
    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    Nice solid image and good story. Well taken and well seen.

    (5 years and 303 days ago)

    This way
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    no but do now

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    author says:

    Thank you...I knew you would like this, sorry it isn't in monochrome !

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Train Transport of Olde
    author says:

    did you notice that fly? Dang I should have shoo-ed it away. Thank you.

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Those rocks cofuse the photo and a bit to much light on them,maybe a different viewpoint would have been a better choice

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    SLR pic
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    different view in regards to fishing,different but you got me hooked.

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Lovely old carriage and the bonus of the train,shows the connection between the two

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Train Transport of Olde
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Wrong angle to take needed to be at the same level as them in order to get a better view.

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Entry number 111064
    avatar photonut
    photonut says:

    Rich looking photo,it feels like you can almost reach into this and grab something to eat.

    (5 years and 304 days ago)

    Have your pick !
    author says:

    Thank you. The fish was immediately thrown back in the water

    (5 years and 305 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    I like the clarity of this photo especially the scene ahead of us. It feels like we are there with you.

    (5 years and 305 days ago)

    avatar still26
    still26 says:

    What a sad face. I like how the fish is sharp with good usage of dof calibration on your part.

    (5 years and 305 days ago)

    author says:

    Uh oh....I'm in big trouble Thank you.

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Cabin Clean Up
    author says:


    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Pile of Golliwogs
    author says:


    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Mail Wagon
    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    this is really interesting

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Mail Wagon
    avatar nikita61
    nikita61 says:

    I begin to recognize your style, congratulations, beautiful image

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Cabin Clean Up
    avatar wtfayla
    wtfayla says:

    love this

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Pile of Golliwogs
    avatar Zizounai
    Zizounai says:

    I went to Prague 15 years ago, it changed radically. Everywhere is renovated, much more crowded,and we are only in May. Still eyecandies everywhere tho
    And now I'm in Slovakia, heading to Budapest.

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Little Bug, Big Cow
    author says:

    Merci buckets! Hope you are enjoying is simply splendiferous. n'est-pas?

    (5 years and 306 days ago)

    Little Bug, Big Cow