Horse and Carriage

Horse and Carriage

( 5 years and 197 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

Helicopter On Display

Helicopter On Display

Taken in a plane museum ( 5 years and 197 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 1 photography contest

Inside the Automobile

Inside the Automobile

With the Virgin Mary guiding them. ( 5 years and 198 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest

Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz

( 5 years and 199 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest

On Display

On Display

( 5 years and 199 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest



( 5 years and 199 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest



( 5 years and 199 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 2 photography contest

Bad Smelly Poopers

Bad Smelly Poopers

These beasts make nests outside our bedroom window and poop and poop and poop and the smell is B A D. ( 5 years and 199 days ago )

For: Good, bad and ugly -2- photography contest

Inhumane Treatment

Inhumane Treatment

Not only do they eat dog in Asia they mistreat them horribly. ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: Good, bad and ugly -2- photography contest

Good Tolerance Level

Good Tolerance Level

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: Good, bad and ugly -1- photography contest

Here, There, Everywhere

Here, There, Everywhere

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

When do we go?

When do we go?

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

War - what is it good for?

War - what is it good for?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: Good, bad and ugly -2- photography contest



( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest

Old Train

Old Train

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 2 photography contest

Going By Train

Going By Train

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest


Rounding a barrel ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: sports action photography contest

Tipping the barrel

Tipping the barrel

A barrel racer disqualifies her run by tipping a barrel during a competition run ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: sports action photography contest

US Navy WWII warplanes

US Navy WWII warplanes

Logging locomotive ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 2 photography contest

WWII US Navy Corsair

WWII US Navy Corsair

56 Chevy ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 3 photography contest

Biplane at airshow

Biplane at airshow

Train at Old West reenactment ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 2 photography contest

Flying upside down

Flying upside down

A P40 Flying Tiger WWII warplane flying upside down at an airshow in Florida ( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: plains, trains and auto... 1 photography contest

who will be the winner?

 who will be the winner?

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: sports action photography contest

Entry number 111183

Entry number 111183

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: sports action photography contest

no cars here..

 no cars here..

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

on the lake

 on the lake

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest

Powerboat Surge

Powerboat Surge

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: sports action photography contest

the walk

the walk

( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest



( 5 years and 200 days ago )

For: the traveler photography contest