Take a shot which conveys a favourite hobby or interest. It can be anything except your job, photography or team sports. We all have something in our lives that we love to do in our spare time be it knitting, karaoke, whittling, playing cards, painting, writing, crossword puzzles, bird watching, riding motor bikes or cycling, tramping, hiking, clay bird shooting, stamp collecting etc.
The shot may include people or animals or just the hobby itself. No food/cooking shots as we've had plenty of those lately. So unless your hobby involves nudist camps or nude modelling anything goes other than the exclusions already mentioned.
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
jawshoewhah: Look um, not to be such a douchbag but honestly I think a picture of the result of that hobby is not a hobby. Here's a definition: an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Here’s an example: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving. So to beeter meet this, instead of taking a picture of a bunch of stamps or a wood carving, get a picture of a woman or girl (her) collecting stamps or carving something out of wood. Not a finished product, but a product in the works. Can anyone agree with me on this? See where I'm coming from? If I submit a picture of a beer, can I say drinking beer is my hobby? Some may say yes and some may say no but honestly a hobby is an actual act, not a finished product. Now a picture of someone drinking beer I think would better define it. ( 5 years and 3791 days ago )
eggplant81: jawshoewhah - ok, so you don't totally agree with the contest rules, fair enough, however don't go through everyones photos saying they don't fit the rules when according to the published rules above they do, they just don't fit what you would prefer the rules to be. ( 5 years and 3791 days ago )
kyricom: The contest theme does not preclude Josh's statement. He has a point. It looks as though many of these entries are just shots of random things that we like... "Oh, that's my hobby." ( 5 years and 3790 days ago )
rrhall: Jawsh and kyricom...The contest details clearly state that the shot is meant to convey a favourite hobby...clearly the most obvious way to "convey" a hobbie is through the finished result...it would be really irate for everyone to post pictures of them actually partaking in the hobby, rather than images used to convey the hobby in different ways... ( 5 years and 3790 days ago )
kyricom: I don't really have a problem with the "end result" pictures. I was just saying Josh's point was not invalid. However, I would probably rank a (good) picture higher if it actually showed the person DOING the hobby. ( 5 years and 3789 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Funny, after I made my comment, all of the recent entries have been much more on theme and some of the best I've seen. It's nice to see some people share my opinion or take it with a grain of salt and for that I commend you. ( 5 years and 3789 days ago )
eggplant81: You are right jawshoewah but thanks for now clarifying in your comments with "in my opinion" ( 5 years and 3789 days ago )
adeincyprus: don't think your comment really made the difference josh, just coincidence, that's all! ( 5 years and 3788 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Aw, not fair...............I used to shoot these and others in the UK many years ago, before the handgun laws were passed...........I miss mine ................and now I live here, the laws are the same...........no hand guns allowed...........
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
How about a picture of someone shooting the gun? Nice macro but it's a gun, not a hobby.
The rules state it can be of the hobby itself, no need for a person shooting it.
author says:
Thank you for all the comments. Ade, thanks for the fav! Jawsh, there are many reasons people have guns. Some use them for sport, such as hunting,or competitions, some people collect guns and never fire them. They are worth more for resale value because of that. And the most common reason to have one is of course for protection. Just because I am not shooting my gun in this particular image does not mean it does not meet the guidelines. Guns are indeed a hobby of mine, and for all the reasons listed. Thank you again for the comments.
No need to get so gun ho and all fired up Joeshoewhah. Is there no entry in this contest that doesn't trigger a negative comment from you? Why don't you run along and have a game of Russian Roulette but make sure you play all six rounds. Top Gun shot author and well on theme
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
I don't personally care for guns and I think in my opinion a shot of you or someone shooting it would of been a better match to the theme.
author says:
I appreciate all the energy you have put into my entry Jawsh, both here and in the forums. I only wish I could actively post in the forums, but that is against the rules until the contest is over. Feel free to suggest a contest of your own. You have a lot of ideas. There is a link you can use to accomplish that........
different, I like it.
Creative shot. You've done swimmingly!
Very nice. Creative
Lovely,i like it.
beautiful entry................very well done indeed.
Congratulations on the first place
I was just checking out your entries and found this 
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: