HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography is usually stunning because it enables photographers to record a greater range of tonal detail than a given camera could capture in a single photo.
In this tutorial: Using the High Dynamic Range HDR Feature you can read some essential things about it.
So your goal here is to take multiple photos and post-edit these photos in Photoshop or any other graphics program, as described in the tutorial. It can have whatever subject and placement, as long as the final outcome is an HDR photo.
Required level: 5+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
captgeo: Just wondering why this is a level 5 contest? Leaves out some of us who shoot alot of HDR stuff. (Us=new to site) ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
Lodd: Beacause most "newbies" don't do HDR and to get more of a "competion" for the 5+ users i guess. ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
snappler: Kinda looking forward to trying my hand at this one but grey foggy days just aren't great for HDR photography. ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
captgeo: It's a shame... jsut because we are new to the site doesn't mean we can't do HDR... oh well... that's what albums are for. ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
Rhys1: it is a shame that 1st timers cant enter, was looking forward to this! though I have a good pic ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
captgeo: Same here.... can we do a "newbie HDR"????? ( 5 years and 3645 days ago )
Contest Moderator: most site have contests for the more experienced users, it is just unfortunate, that as new users, you have not proved yourselves here, but it time these contests come round again, and you will be able to enter then. Welcome to PXL! ( 5 years and 3644 days ago )
UncleJimmy: I haven't actually tried any HDR as of yet, this seems as good as time as any to give it a "go". There are already several great entries, Can't wait to see more...Good Luck and happy shooting all! ( 5 years and 3643 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @wiseman...........hdr photography has been around for many years,it is an excepted technique, just the same as digital photography is an excepted technique. There is no problem with it being here. If you don't like the idea, then the simple answer is don't enter. ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
snappler: You can do the HDR with photoshop but can't get the same artistic effect from software like photomatix. Its beautiful stuff but a basic photo in HDR is great too. Personally I prefer the more natural look. ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
wiseman: i was meaning the manipulating of photography, digital is more a different medium, HDR is manipulating the photo i was just saying i though it would be better in maybe a new set of contest like manipulation of photography....just an idea trying to help ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
MaRkSqUiRrEl: I agree with snappler, When the effect is taken beyond the dynamic range of the human eye it looks weird or makes your eyes hurt. Theres afew single exposure (pseudo) fakes in here to!! ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
MaRkSqUiRrEl: Just found this FREE TRAIL PHOTOMATIX. http://www.hdrsoft.com/download.html ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
captgeo: This is the ongoing debate over HDR...as for manipulating the photo... just about any "adjustment" made is manipulating the photo.... adjust the contrast, add color. HDR "manipulates" the photos by combining exposures but then tonemapping. tonemapping could be considered the same as adjusting the contrast etc. and is done to the whole picture. ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
wiseman: this is NOTHING like adjusting the contrast or levels...this is combining photos witch is not real photography ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
wiseman: @contest Moderator there is a reason my portfolio has ZERO photoshop entries i liike the original photographs and this is not it ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
wiseman: so i shoot film.....and this is a photography contest how do i enter>? ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
adeincyprus: wisman, the first hdr was shot using film in the 1940's, so what you are saying is nonsense. There is a very famous picture of a mushroom cloud which was shot in hdr!!!...so why don't you just leave it alone. ( 5 years and 3642 days ago )
kyricom: No one is obligated to enter every contest. There are many I don't enter because I don't feel I have the equipment, talent, time or creativity. If you don't like, or can't, enter a theme, then the answer is very simple - don't enter that theme. There are plenty of others. Having fun is much more fun ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
captgeo: Charles Wyckoff was the photographer who took it but actually dates back even further. Back to the 1850's.....http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/le_gray/ Under seascape. ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
captgeo: *dont put under seascape in the above URL. sorry ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
adeincyprus: yes, but in a different form to that we know now. ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
UncleJimmy: HDR is esentially just expanding the dynamic range of the photo closer to that which the human eye can "see". Put into f/stops, most higher end digitals can capture 9-11 f/stops at a given tome. the human eye closer to 22-25 stops! Soon (within a few years or so) cameras will be able to come close to replicating the dynamic range and contrast of the eye...most reversal (slide ) films can catch about 4-7 full stops is all, point being...HDR has been around for a long while and was even practiced in wet darkrooms for B&W for many, many years. Digital just made it approachable for the masses. ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
UncleJimmy: BTW... it can and is often "over-done" for effect...but so is any PS adjustment at times...think about how many seriously oversaturated of contrasty images we see submitted to contests! LOL! ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
friiskiwi: "your goal here is to take multiple photos and post-edit these photos", does this mean that submissions done from 1 capture is off theme? ( 5 years and 3641 days ago )
Contest Moderator: good point, but very difficult to prove, since an image created in any of the hdr suites is flattened to one image regardless of how may images used to create it. Unless we had a request built in here to provide the images used, we would not be able to prove one way or the other. it is too late to do this now. ( 5 years and 3640 days ago )
MaRkSqUiRrEl: With a little experience a pseudo hdr is easy to spot. ( 5 years and 3640 days ago )
kyricom: I'll be interested to see how this contest turns out. I've never really liked HDR (although I don't hate it) because the ones I've seen kind of look more like oil paintings than photos (kind of "soft". Now I see they are "supposed" to have super detail. Which is it? Both ways are kind of attractive in their own way, but I don't see myself spending a lot of time doing them - although I am giving it a try for this contest. It's kind of fun. Like being on vacation and trying something you know you'll never do once you're home again. ( 5 years and 3640 days ago )
adeincyprus: I agree with you Kyricom.......I have entered for this contest, but I don't particularly like the effects produced, and will not be spending too much time on them in the future .... ( 5 years and 3640 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I had no interest in this contest. Not sure really why. ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I had no interest in this contest. Not sure really why. ( 5 years and 3636 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Excellent, but I might have waited a minute or two for the 'bodies' to move out of the shot!
author says:
Thank you for bringing the attention, so i changed the title from 'class6' to 'buying class6' for make it more relevant. P/s: this was an exhibition where hundreds of people were attended. i've already tried, it seems imposible.
Love the pic. Did you use photmatix? If so do you remember what settings or have it saved?
author says:
Yes, I used photoshop and photomatix. Honestly, i can't remember the setting but i can remember how i did. In Photomatix,first i started to play with gamma, then the white point and the black point, for me its easier to start with this way. Next adjust the luminosity and strength. i spent more than 2hours to process this photo, and more likely just try and error. Basically its all depends on your taste and style, for me its all about balance. Try to find some tutorial in youtube, it helps. thank you all.
2 hrs? Sounds familiar!! You can drive yourself crazy can't you LOL. If you do alot of HDR with photomatix... you should save the final settings as a preset. Good place to start when you have similar photos to process.
author says:
Yes 2hrs..hehe from RAW to tiff, from tiff to 6 different exposures, playing around with tone maping, 12 different hdr results, clean all the noises, convert all to jpg and finally choose the best out of 12. Every person have their own style captgeo, basically if you're already use to it, you will always know where to start.
Wooww...I like very much of that kind of effect that you do in this image. I use the software Photoshop CS2. Can you tell how software you used in this image? And if is PS-CS2, how tools was used? Thank you..
Norwich Cathedral was built in 1145, The foundations were layed 30 years after the Norman invasion (1066)and building took 50 years to complete. (5 years and 3645 days ago)
Excellent, but I might have waited a minute or two for the 'bodies' to move out of the shot!
Thank you for bringing the attention, so i changed the title from 'class6' to 'buying class6' for make it more relevant. P/s: this was an exhibition where hundreds of people were attended. i've already tried, it seems imposible.
great image.
the people add to it wonderful
Love the pic. Did you use photmatix? If so do you remember what settings or have it saved?
Yes, I used photoshop and photomatix. Honestly, i can't remember the setting but i can remember how i did. In Photomatix,first i started to play with gamma, then the white point and the black point, for me its easier to start with this way. Next adjust the luminosity and strength. i spent more than 2hours to process this photo, and more likely just try and error. Basically its all depends on your taste and style, for me its all about balance. Try to find some tutorial in youtube, it helps. thank you all.
2 hrs? Sounds familiar!! You can drive yourself crazy can't you LOL. If you do alot of HDR with photomatix... you should save the final settings as a preset. Good place to start when you have similar photos to process.
Yes 2hrs..hehe
from RAW to tiff, from tiff to 6 different exposures, playing around with tone maping, 12 different hdr results, clean all the noises, convert all to jpg and finally choose the best out of 12. Every person have their own style captgeo, basically if you're already use to it, you will always know where to start.
great entry, love the color and detail
Lovely well done
congrats on your 1st
congrats on your 1st
awesome man! congrats for the winning
Wooww...I like very much of that kind of effect that you do in this image. I use the software Photoshop CS2. Can you tell how software you used in this image? And if is PS-CS2, how tools was used? Thank you..
looks really nice!
Howdie stranger!
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