Transparent items such as glass may sometimes not appear in our photos. The goal in this contest in to take a shot a glass which appears to be almost invisible. Ideally, an object might be placed on glass so as it appears to be floating in air or can simply be pushed against the "invisible glass". The frame of the glass can be visible, but the glass has to be as clear and transparent as possible.
Required level: 5+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
jawshoewhah: So I'm tryingto get a picture of something that's stuck on glass like a window, but not get the glass in the shot? hmmmmm......... ( 5 years and 3663 days ago )
MaRkSqUiRrEl: So we can shoot anything we like, so long as it is on glass?? ( 5 years and 3662 days ago )
friiskiwi: Seems a rather strange contest, we have to photograph something on or behind glass, but we can't see the glass, so how do we know there was glass there in the first place? ( 5 years and 3662 days ago )
friiskiwi: would make more sense if the 'frame' had to be visable. ( 5 years and 3662 days ago )
Contest Moderator: I think the words "glass which appears to be almost invisible" are the key here, good luck. ( 5 years and 3661 days ago )
jawshoewhah: You know a lot of these entries you cannot tell they are on glass. ( 5 years and 3660 days ago )
Govindrathod: I am a level 5 right now...Can i submit up an entry or not? ( 5 years and 3660 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Govin, have you tried? ( 5 years and 3660 days ago )
jawshoewhah: I think the best on theme entries are the ones that you can tell it was shot through glass without seeing the glass. A lot of these entries seem to lack that. ( 5 years and 3659 days ago )
numbsock: i dunno what is goin' on here but most of the submissions are out of theme... the goal is "take a shot at glass which appears to be ALMOST invisible" ( 5 years and 3659 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Lamatine, you came up with the theme for this contest, what's your opinion? ( 5 years and 3659 days ago )
Lamantine: mmm... i agree that a lot of the entries are off theme... the goal in fact is to take a shot of anything which is on glass or pressed against glass for it to seem to be floating or pressing against something invisible. It could be compared to miming but this time the wall is not imaginary but is made of glass which seems to be invisble... but there should be a clear proof that glass is present in you work. For example check out this one of mine : ( 5 years and 3658 days ago )
Lamantine: if i didn't make myself clear, don't hesitate to ask questions ( 5 years and 3658 days ago )
jawshoewhah: Ok, then I got it right. ( 5 years and 3658 days ago )
adeincyprus: I'm sorry, now you have lost me, what is it we are looking at in that shot of looks like th elid or base of a jar of some description, which is hardly 'almost invisible'!!!.in fact, quite the opposite, it is very visible.... ( 5 years and 3657 days ago )
Lamantine: lol ade im not good in photography so try to imagine it to be a good one ( 5 years and 3657 days ago )
adeincyprus: Lamantine, you put the suggestion forward, so you shoud at least have a good example yourself of what you wish us to enter! ( 5 years and 3656 days ago )
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Thank you, this is wonderfull and 150% on theme. it is obvious that there must have been glass here, but you can't see it at all, and the peppers and waterspray are crystal clear. This one will be hard to beat.
Lamantine, while I agree with you about this being a great shot, these are your own words............ the goal in fact is to take a shot of anything which is on glass or pressed against glass for it to seem to be floating or pressing against something, is this shot on them, or off?..... The bubbles are clearly on the fruit...not the glass, and the fruit is floating, but not against the glass, which cannot actually be seen at all.
author says:
Ade, even Lamantine the contest suggester said its a good shot and no further comment, and from the contest moderator -->Contest Moderator: I think the words "glass which appears to be almost invisible" are the key here, good luck. (4 days 20 hr ago).
agreed, but the glass here is totally could have been in the water with the fruit it is so clear!
author says:
when we read back the contest goal "the glass has to be as clear and transparent as possible" this is the real motive for me. btw, why in the world i would be in the water to photo this?? and i never ever thought of doing that. well, i take that as compliment from you Ade, thank you.
Thank you, this is wonderfull and 150% on theme. it is obvious that there must have been glass here, but you can't see it at all, and the peppers and waterspray are crystal clear. This one will be hard to beat.
Marvelous entry!
wonderful shot
outstang shot!!!!
Awesome!!! i thought I might have a chance at this contest until I saw this one...great job!!
Great shot... but I'm pretty sure I've seen this before and not in this contest.
Seen it before - but great shot anyway
this is perfect for the theme!! And a great shot and imagination too. I've seen this before somewhere.
No arguments here. Definitely on theme, although I know who you are from a previous contest: "collisions"
Absolutely Amazing Art......Beautiful work....Perfect on theme.....GL..
no, you saw one very similar, I remember it too........the pepper was a different color.
You are right ade. But I checked and it was not the collisions contest.
Being recognised by style is incredibly flatering. Thank you all for the great comments.
fantastic entry
Great work. High marks.
Aaaaaaand congrats for another first place, Mark!
Yup, I knew it. Congrats!
oh WOW!
Howdie stranger!
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