Since when do thrift stores do HIV testing? (5 years and 3508 days ago)
Go ahead! Take a guess at what you are looking at. (5 years and 3513 days ago)
These look like hot glass in the process of becoming vases.
Not even close
Wht the..? what is this... I just looked and stared at it like 15 mins but couldn't figure it out what these are.. they sometimes look like balloons r some LEDs r some random glowing things...
Kind of lights that you wave at a concert - what are they called?
Emergency lights, at least I think they would be awesome at a concert =)
I think it will really blow your minds when you do find out what they are and how I took this shot. Nope, not concert lights. If fact, if you brought this particular light to a concert, people might get mad. It's what I did with the light that makes it look weird.
it looks like it might be a flame of some kind!
Nope, no flame. Here's a hint. It's a common light source used in an uncommon way.
it looks like flashlights pushed up against the wall...
yea lazer may be.. not the ones which are harmful..
Madelinerayne, you are right about the flashlight but not about the wall. You can probably figure it out now.
Flashlights partially shut with hands in front of a mirror?
haha....clever. I know what it is. Flashlights in peoples' mouths.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! Niiicoleyy you guessed it. It's actually all the same mouth. I shot this completely in the dark on the longest exposure time possible and moved around the room turning it off and on while puffing up my cheeks.
Thanks 4 the compliment, niiicoleyy
It generates a great effect!
Yeah I know. This was something I shot while playing around with f stop settings and ISO settings. I probably could have made something more pronounced but I was without a lens up until yesterday. Besides, it had a lot of you fooled.
well author.. convincing people to put things in their mouth.. (shaking head and giggling)
Good one = )
LOLZ... very creative thinking.. love the idea..
apparently not creative enough...
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(5 years and 3512 days ago)
the light from the woofer or a kind of projection..?
No clue what this is.
A fancy lampshade?
hello author.. can you tell us wht this is..?
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It's filled with stars! (5 years and 3511 days ago)
I want to say robot but I don't think that's what this is... But as far as picture quality, it's really noisy. You might want to try Gaussian blur to remove some of it.
Looks like one of those projectors at a planetarium
A huuuuuuuge telescope...
I was thinking projector too.........
kyricom hit the nail on the head. It's one of those planetarium projectors. Pretty hard to get a good shot of it since they never switch the lights on in there!
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crazyy! (5 years and 3509 days ago)
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LOLz... hahaha..
wow it look real formilar like i realy seen it some wear like up da street on sunset blvd crazy lol
2 thunbs up
It's a kindness... but it's strange that combo of clothing store and HIV tests. But, considering it's a thrift store, and the tests are free...
Howdie stranger!
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