This is pretty self-explanatory, but show us your best shot of bubbles. They could be from a hot tub, the bubbles you blow, popping bubbles, bubbles from soap, or even something that only resembles a bubble. This contest is pretty much what your imagination can make of it.
JamesD: isn't this more a photography contest than a photoshop one??? or am I missing something??? ( 5 years and 3443 days ago )
jawshoewhah: yeah you missed the fact that you're looking on the photography contests, not photoshop ( 5 years and 3443 days ago )
MnMCarta: I'm sorry. When I suggested it I didn't see the option. I was too quick to act. It's a problem with hyperness. LOL I'm workin on it but in the meantime ya'll have no idea how much it makes me smile to know that I actually had an idea that was utilized!!! TY!!!! ( 5 years and 3443 days ago )
JamesD: actually it was listed in the photoshop contests when they first went up... it was moved after m,y comment... or it was realised as I had placed it... :P ( 5 years and 3443 days ago )
MnMCarta: Can't we all just get along... lol ( 5 years and 3442 days ago )
friiskiwi: are bubbles the same as drops? ( 5 years and 3439 days ago )
MnMCarta: I thought water drops and such weren't bubbles but what do I know? LOL ( 5 years and 3438 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Thank you so much for all the fav's! This picture really means a lot to me and it shows so much about youth and life in general! I just wish I knew how to get rid of the trucks in the background. LOL
Honestly, your eye is so focused on the girl and the bubble that you don't even notice the trucks in the background author. I didn't know they were there until you said it.
HOLY COW!!!!! I Can't believe I got 1st!!!!! Never thought this day would EVER come!!!! Thank you to EVERYONE FOR ALL THE VOTES!!!! Not sure how involved I can be this week as I am getting married saturday but boy this sure was a great way to go into the weekend!!!! TY AGAIN TO EVERYONE!!! XOXOXO
is that a cig or something else? LOL I've tried this before blowing the smoke from my cig to the bubble but only got it once and it popped before I could snap the shot. LOL Great pic though!!!
jawshoewhah [banned] says:
I think I know who you are. How did you get the bubble to stay open like that? This is definitely unique! GL!
author says:
I think there may be some confusion here, which I guess is a good thing because it means I made it look real The bubble is not being filled with smoke, I blew the bubble first with smoke then caught it on the wand and held the cigarette under it and let the smoke rise up and over it.
@k5683 I tried cropping out the hand but it looked strange just having part of the cigarette in the frame, but thanks for the suggestion
giggle! so smart! wow! such a great image! such a bad habit! but such a really great image...
I like the hand, and the fact that the image is tall and narrow, it really works great! The light is almost perfect! another very impressive shot author!
Ok really silly observation, I like the hand in this picture, the only thing I would do for next time is use hand lotion so that the skin around the nails doesn't look dry as it reflects the light more it seems. But other wise super awesome shot, very creative, and I wish I had thought of that.
author says:
Actually it's not that silly, I was trying to figure out what was off about the hands and thats it, thanks for pointing it out
Cool shot. Reminds me of my childood when my dad would do that for us kids - until he died from lung cancer
author says:
Well now kyricom, that's nice and cheery
I'm glad you like my photo, but I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
After doing this shot, and others like it in the past I wonder how people can willingly smoke cigarettes, I feel like I should bleach my mouth every time I'm done!
ummmmm... then do yourself and your family (present and future) a HUGE favor and quit. The smoke bubbles were cool, but I'd rather have my dad
author says:
Lol kyricom, I don't smoke! Never have, never will. I just use cigarettes as props once in a great while. One time I accidentally inhaled a bit of it and coughed my lungs out for the next half hour!
hmm....this is what i think exactly when i read finish the contest details ...what came to my mind is ... smoking and bubble combined together....and i didn't smoke so i am waiting for peoplpe to come up with this kind of entries ...WELL DONE!
lol! yes. it is a tall grass that is used as an herb. i use it in bread, on fish or chicken and in marinades. i was surprised the bubble did not pop, the grass is kind of harsh.
Cool shot. Nice exposure and colors. The bubble is a little too centered. Might crop just a bit off the right and the bottom
author says:
Thanks for the comment, i thought about the crop, but i like the repetitive x pattern in the blades and i believe the larger bit of negative space to the upper right helps balance things. the bubble sits a bit low and left, not really centered. I think it works with this image.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
This is a wonderful picture.
I love this!
Wonderful moment of childhood! I love this shot!!
Definitely a nice way to stat off entries in the contest. GL!
awesome! It has so much feeling in it!!!
juste ( awesome ) GL
After looking at the pic again, this is going to my favs. Again, beautiful picture author.
This is amazing .
Thank you so much for all the fav's! This picture really means a lot to me and it shows so much about youth and life in general! I just wish I knew how to get rid of the trucks in the background. LOL
Super cool, and great how you included the little girl, it really shows off how big the bubble is =)
Trucks defocused in the background give it more depth. I think they're fine and this is a pretty perfect pic. Once again, GL!
Honestly, your eye is so focused on the girl and the bubble that you don't even notice the trucks in the background author. I didn't know they were there until you said it.
Congrats, it's a wonderful photo
HOLY COW!!!!! I Can't believe I got 1st!!!!! Never thought this day would EVER come!!!! Thank you to EVERYONE FOR ALL THE VOTES!!!! Not sure how involved I can be this week as I am getting married saturday but boy this sure was a great way to go into the weekend!!!! TY AGAIN TO EVERYONE!!! XOXOXO
Congrats very well done
Congrats MnM
Super, congrats = )
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: