Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti, is a photographic technique in which exposures are usually made at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. In many cases the light source itself does not have to appear in the image.
The term light painting also encompasses images lit from outside the frame with hand-held light sources. The first known photographer to use this technique was Man Ray in his series "Space Writing" created in 1935. Photographer, Ellen Carey, discovered Man Ray's signature signed by penlight nearly 74 years after the pictures had been taken. For this theme, give us some dazzling works of art, created with light!
jawshoewhah: Now THIS looks fun! Great idea! ( 5 years and 3402 days ago )
secretsather: The only contests that should be level capped are the ones that are easy (such as closeup of face) this way the easy ones don't get flooded with bad pictures. Instead, the ones where you do need an advanced level of skill, aren't available to everyone. ( 5 years and 3402 days ago )
adeincyprus: I don't see your logic here secretsather???????? ( 5 years and 3402 days ago )
MnMCarta: yea I have to say I'm a bit confused... are you saying we should cap the easy ones with high levels so there aren't as many shots entered and the hard ones we should leave as all levels for everyone to enter and you feel that those hard ones with "all level" status won't have as many entries because they are hard and not everyone will try it? ( 5 years and 3401 days ago )
secretsather: Exactly. Sorry, too much wine that night. ( 5 years and 3399 days ago )
cabldawg71: np secrets you will prolly see a comment or 2 i leave when having to much rum in my eggnogg ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Yea i noticed that he was trying to change the channel and it looked like the head was facing the TV and then the arm still trying to get another drink. Took me a bunch of tries but this one was the best of them all. TY for all the awesome comments
How can one compete with this?
Sigh.................I feel humiliated...
Nevertheless I found one error: at night time, there should have been stars in your blue city....
Wow, cool job. I've never tried light painnting but I imagine getting an image as precise as this took a few tries! This must have been a pretty long exposure to give you time to draw all that too.
There is no need to feel humiliated cocor.
I don't know what are you shooting with but if you have a camera with BULB function & lot's...lot's...LOT's of patience you can achieve that easily.
It only took me 50 maybe 60 3 minute exposures to get that right & to be honest i wasn't very satisfied.I all most didn't wanted to submit the entry!!!
But thats just me.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Lazy drunk laser pen light. Nice! I like it lol.
Hilarious!!! Great one!
This is really good, something different. I love that he's even so lazy that he tries to change the channel with his 'feet'
LOL, trying to reach the vodka: "Must..use..powers."
well done
Funny, well done..
Yea i noticed that he was trying to change the channel and it looked like the head was facing the TV and then the arm still trying to get another drink. Took me a bunch of tries but this one was the best of them all. TY for all the awesome comments
Incredible ! Beautiful
Cute, looks just like me = )
Congratulations!!!! wow...nice job!
Congrats for your first place!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: