This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot - strictly nature.
UncleJimmy: Hehehe,,,,yes! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
Mikaelbg: Hahahaha, poor kyricom! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
MnMCarta: I see a lot of hate mail in my near future!!! Lmao! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
cocor: The future starts right now MnMCarta!!!!!!! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
xogx2002: woot!! MnMCarta is bout' it on this one lol. ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
kyricom: WATER DROPLETS!!!!!!!! People who put water droplets on flower petals should have their eyelashes plucked out, one by one, by a thumbless, far sighted sumo wrestler using pick axes! The eyelashes should be used by Christine O'Donnell to cast a spell causing them to hiccup and fart every time they pick up a camera!!! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
cocor: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights should include an article containing strict prohibition of water droplets shooting!!!
Meanwhile I sign kyricom's Act of Rebellion. ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
kyricom: Huzzah for cocor!!! Yes, Yes!!! Arise and join us, brothers and sisters! Throw off the shackles of the tyranny of mediocrity! Peel the petals from the flower so no droplets may adhere! Destiny calls upon you to straighten your backs like MEN and WOMEN! Glare into the eyes of fate with the righteous indignation of the oppressed and rage at the droplets!!! Let no droplet on a flower petal bend the knees of your originality EVERMORE!!! Show your primal force by not having a single entry in this theme with a flower petal!!! Do NOT conform! Do NOT surrender! ( 5 years and 3398 days ago )
UncleJimmy: For you and you alone kyricom....I promise to not enter a single photo of a flower! I join the rebellion!!! ( 5 years and 3395 days ago )
kyricom: As with most movements of justice, our numbers swell! Thank you, itsmymoment! Join us, bothers and sisters!!! Squash the perpetuity of the mundane! Drag the droplet back to respectability! Show the world the resilience of creativity! Join us! Join us and be the envy of those without the fortitude to stand up!!! Death to tyrants, and demise to flower petals! ( 5 years and 3395 days ago )
MnMCarta: I suggested this and I haven't entered crap! I cant think of anything original and trying the water drop poppin outta the water after dropping didn't work for me so now I'm mad... ( 5 years and 3392 days ago )
EmiK: This has happened to me so many times, I know how you feel MnM = ) ( 5 years and 3387 days ago )
MrEblokify: how come voting is still going on? ( im new to this so im just figuring things out.) ( 5 years and 3387 days ago )
EmiK: Yes normally the votes end on Sunday, so I'm also little surprised, but maybe with the Holidays the Mods are busy. I hope nothing bad happened to anyone. ( 5 years and 3387 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Great shot (again)! This one really works well. Josh (et al)... I'm guessing the author put a nice, clean pane of glass in front of (over) the object (a soccer ball this time), and then put single drops on the glass. Focus on the drops and not the object, and "PRESTO" - you have a cool shot like this. I really like this one.
Right Kyricom, your explanation is nearly perfect
As I'm not very good with English to describe the technique, I took a shoot of the set and put it in SBS. I hope it's clear enough
Oh guys, you made my day. But really there were so many awesome shots in this contest, I'm at awe that my picture made it to top three, thanks again all = )
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Titled as so because I really needed a lot of patience to get this image about 2 hours of shooting aaaahhhhhh. But worth it in the end. (5 years and 3398 days ago)
Hmm, I am guessing I know who you are from a previous contest.
Am I right?
Yup! You really need to share this little trick with people, just a description would be nice. it's not like you need it but GL!
Wha..huh..wha ? How d'you do that?
Great shot (again)! This one really works well. Josh (et al)... I'm guessing the author put a nice, clean pane of glass in front of (over) the object (a soccer ball this time), and then put single drops on the glass. Focus on the drops and not the object, and "PRESTO" - you have a cool shot like this. I really like this one.
Right Kyricom, your explanation is nearly perfect

As I'm not very good with English to describe the technique, I took a shoot of the set and put it in SBS. I hope it's clear enough
Thanks all for nice comments and favs
Love it, I can never get my water drops round.
Wow, thanks a lot for sharing your technique, I will try that tonight =D
Hmm. that's what I was assuming but you know what assumption does.
Thanks for sharing that!
very clever
Amazing...thanks for sharing how to achieve this....spectacular effect! GL
Incredible shot! It can't be THAT simple....
THANKS for sharing!
wow.. thanks for sharing your technique.. GL.. i know you will make it..
Thats So Kewl!
Awesomeness to the 10th power!!
excellent shot.
Very clever.
This is one very nice entry.
so perfect
so perfect
Congrats not only on placing first but also highest rated photo this week.
That must feel pretty good.
Thanks to everyone who voted my entry and a special thanks to Jenna e Joshua for congrats and kind words
Congrats, well deserved
Thanks everyone

Such a great shot! Well done
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: