Day And Night - Photography Contest [12 entries]

Waterfront Day to Night Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

Take a photograph in the day time and then take another photo at night, at the same location. Then stitch the 2 images together to form a complete image, half night, half day. If it's not clear what is meant here, check out the thumbnail of the contest.

Required level: 5+ or higher.
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!

TankRed: are you allowed to make a gradient blend or no? (I don't even know if I could actually do it) ( 5 years and 3165 days ago )
kyricom: Why shift it? ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
k5683: the thumbnail doesn't look shifted??? kyricom, I didn't suggest that part of it I don't think I like that part because then it won't look good all shifted and stuff ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
kyricom: I agree. I think it would look better just joined and lined up. ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Contest guidelines updated. And yes for this contest a blend is acceptable for joining the two images. ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
k5683: yay! thank you )))) ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
jfish: I so wish I was level 5...arg. Good work so far! ( 5 years and 3164 days ago )
k5683: oh duh! Now I see why it should have been shifted. ( 5 years and 3163 days ago )
kyricom: Some nice shots, but the photography section sure is changing now that they allow Photoshopping... er, I mean... more editing options ( 5 years and 3159 days ago )
Contest Moderator: A simple gradient is allowed in this contest, one that acts evenly across the entire image but selectively erasing parts of the image is not allowed in any photography contest unless the guidelines specifically call for it. ( 5 years and 3159 days ago )
kyricom: ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
drskn08: ya kyricom... now photoshop has entered into photography contests as well.. it is true that some changes as per rule like colour toning etc are permitted here that affect the whole photograph.. but here in this contest photoshop plays the main role i think because if some one has no photoshop in his pc then he wont be able to participate in this contest what so ever his level/photo-talents (let it be level 1 or level 35) lol. Would it not be better if such competitions are kept for the primary levels of photoshop contests and here the contests be exclusively for photo shoots only.. i would love to see the photography contests only here with variety of themes... ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
locksmagic: Yes the tired old argument of whether or not to allow photoshopping.... sigh....

I understand why some people do not like it, I really do. BUT there are a lot of people who like the opportunity to go a bit beyond the typical rules. And honestly how often do we allow photoshopping in the photo contests? Once a month or so? That means (about) 1 out of 36 contests allows some leeway. Is it really that bad?

The argument to just put it in the PS contest won't fly because on the PS side you don't have to use your own images, so then it becomes a contest of who can find the best source instead of who can take a nice picture and tweak it a bit.

It's pretty simple, if you don't like it than just don't participate, nobody is twisting your arm and making you vote, comment, or enter these "bastardized" contests. But if it makes you feel better than go ahead and rant that is your right, just remember

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
locksmagic: Pardon my Appeal to Authority fallacy Mark ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
drskn08: well its just a view from an active member... None can twist anyone's arm here to do something lolzzz, according to me if there is already a separate section just for photoshop software then i feel the contest involving such software should be limited to there only. as far as the use of own photographs is concerned... it would be better to start contest with a rule to use own pix for modifications by photoshop in PS contests... well i am not totally against of using photoshop here but yes it should not be frequent in photography contests. It will just for the ease of members and rest is upto moderators ofcourse. ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
kyricom: woo, woo!!! Glad someone recognizes fallacies! I was (originally) mainly just poking some folks with a stick. I accepted LOOOOOONG ago that the world won't conform to my old fuddy, duddy views. But, (getting his stick back out) we should also remember that any argument is also part definitional. What some consider "photoshopping," others don't. For example, the recent star theme where shots used "stacking:" "Here, let me add 250 layers to my shot" - when star shots were (and still are) successfully done prior to that being available. "stacking" = Photoshop? ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Waterfront Day to Night - created by solkee

Waterfront Day to Night
Favs: 4SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 73% (52)14334 views

Did two panoramas made of 8 images each, one in the day and one at night. Used a gradient mask to blend from one to the other. Both original panoramas are in the step by step. (5 years and 3163 days ago)

stars and sun - created by friiskiwi

stars and sun
Favs: 2SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/12Score: 67.7% (39)11331 views

(5 years and 3158 days ago)

Alcala's door, Madrid. - created by William

Alcalas door, Madrid.
Favs: 2SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/12Score: 66.6% (32)12479 views

Tough assignment. (5 years and 3162 days ago)

The Watcher - created by locksmagic

The Watcher
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/12Score: 65.5% (25)10377 views

Who says the split has to be vertical :) (5 years and 3159 days ago)

Hacienda - created by friiskiwi

Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/12Score: 65.3% (20)9765 views

(5 years and 3164 days ago)