For this contest, you must enter shots of piles of the same objects or substance. This can be sugar, salt, balls, candies, books and so on. The pile must be man made and specially for this shot. Nothing must hold this pile, so no packaging.
MnMCarta: ooooooo i have an idea! cant wait to play with this one! ( 5 years and 3158 days ago )
k5683: I have way too much stuff "piled up" ( 5 years and 3157 days ago )
drskn08: You mean the objects used should be "man-made" or piling should be done by any man only??????? ( 5 years and 3157 days ago )
UncleJimmy: the objects can be anything according to the guidelines....the pile must be made by a man/person...not a naturally occurring phenomena ( 5 years and 3157 days ago )
UncleJimmy: I can just picture the confused looks on the faces of people around us as we quietly go to the business of stacking random objects in strange places...LOL. ( 5 years and 3157 days ago )
Pretty simple actually. It was a 15 sec exposure I left the queen in the starting and ending positions for 6 sec a piece and that left 3 sec for the slide using a black glove, that's why the left side of the board is a bit darker, you're seeing the ghosting of the glove.
ya i agree with kyricom but it would be more difficult to balance with more creativity in such theme.. but it would be more impressive though if you could have done what kyricom said. still it so nice with good balance
I like this.... but it looks to be leaning a little.
author says:
You are right captgeo.It needs 0,6 CCW.Thought i had it straight!
I can't edit this now that the contests are ended but next time i 'll be more careful.
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But that's up to you author, I do not want to tell what ppl MUST do, just give my opinion. In the end it is your entry and you should do what suits you best
author says:
I kinda like it where its at cause its right above the middle so its kinda rule of thirds but i couldnt go lower cause there wasnt much more sugar above it. I was tryin to pour really close so not to make a mess but even that was unsuccessful. Lol oh well such is life.
were you really pouring the sugar or is this just the affect you were trying to give? Just curious
author says:
Yes i was really pouring sugar. I was doing a 4 or 6 second exposure. You would have laughed at my atttempts though cause i had times where i poured a crap load out and it got everywhere. Its my lack of patience and pouring slow isnt easy for me. Drives me nuts! Lol
so how did you get a pitch black background? I've been wondering this about a lot of entries...I doubt everybody has a studio with a black sheet behind their shot...
author says:
Iy was done in a studio. Gots me one set up in the babies room. Not sure where the babies gonna sleep if we ever have one though... Maybe the garage? Lol ne way i did have a black bckgrnd for this but there are other ways. Like a black sheet, having direct flash on a subject with the background for enough away it bkackens out upon flash, or um... Ya know... I would ask itsmymoment. He's pretty good about getting back with a good answer.
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Don't sneeze, don't open a door, don't speak and don't move. Preperation and lighting well done. Pretty centered; might consider little cropping (2/3).
Go for it everybody. This is competition is meant to be fun. I think a technique to help stack higher would be accomplished by stacking up against an open book (open at 90 degrees) and then pulling the book away when you reach the limit. My stacks remained stable around 90 and the one more quarter changed the whole dynamics. Good luck.
author says:
Have been collecting quarters of the 50 states for my nephew's coin book. I need to finish it or turn in the coins.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Pretty simple actually. It was a 15 sec exposure I left the queen in the starting and ending positions for 6 sec a piece and that left 3 sec for the slide using a black glove, that's why the left side of the board is a bit darker, you're seeing the ghosting of the glove.
Impressive, either way.
Howdie stranger!
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