UncleJimmy: An object the 'is being hit by lightening'? LOL...I have been shooting for over 30 years and STILL don't have a shot like that...I can see this being a VERY small contest.
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) TankRed: May I suggest this being a very ridiculous contest?
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) locksmagic: I will second that motion Tank!
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) MnMCarta: damn... and I was always told not to stand out there with an umbrella during a storm... maybe I'll get like a metal rod and stand in the road and use bulb mode... OH MAN! Just thought about it... then I can get it hitting me and me being the thing it hit! I am SOOOO gonna win this one!!! Yea ya'll this rocks!
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) UncleJimmy: Amanda...if you get hit, who will convert and upload the files? LOL
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) MnMCarta: Well dangit! Sometimes i think just cause i have many personalities that they come with their own bodies too... I really need to have a manual! Lmao!
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) iquraishi: Lolz.. let us know Amanda where you are planning to do that atleast others can come and take a picture of yours.. hehe.. just kidding do not try it..
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) drskn08: damnn.. with so many efforts i took few pix of lightning but with free ends hanging in the sky.. in fact i have not seen any lightning yet hitting something... now i have to change my direction of view while searching for a good photograph...lol
I would not say its not a good theme but surely a tough one
( 5 years and 3145 days ago ) TankRed: Its not impossible, just find a lighting rod

but its ridiculous because even that is difficult to find not to mention shoot in the rain unless you are in a lighting prone area and have weather proof gear (most likely not gonna be under a shelter if you are gonna find yourself a lighting rod as a subject)
( 5 years and 3144 days ago ) jfish: So...can you create you own lightning or would that be off topic?
( 5 years and 3144 days ago ) EmiK: Around the world, lightning strikes the ground about 100 times each second, or 8 million times a day. So don't get discouraged guys, lol.
( 5 years and 3144 days ago ) Contest Moderator: You lightning must be natural; you cannot make your own lightning. ( 5 years and 3144 days ago )
jfish: Sad times...
( 5 years and 3143 days ago ) TankRed: whoa I just noticed the "was hit by lighting"... did the guidelines change or was I just being a lousy reader? Maybe this contest isn't as ridiculous as I thought it was seeing how it doesn't actually require a lighting shot (Although finding something that "was" hit by lightning is pretty hard anyways)
( 5 years and 3143 days ago ) friiskiwi: TankRed, you are a lousy reader (Like me), description hasn't changed, so I'm surprised we haven't got more entries.
Being 2 such totally different things I think it's a shame it's in one contest.
( 5 years and 3138 days ago )
Wow... great shot... lucky timing
Amazing! I wish one day I can catch one! :0)
Thank you very much for your comments. It's not that difficult, really. Just set the cam to bulb mode, set the focus on something very far away and then turn to AF off. Then head the lens toward a spot where you see lots of lightning and press the shutter. Exposure in the darkness about 30 sec, just try with different aperture settings. Then just wait, press the shutter again and again and when a bolt comes down when the curtain is open, you've catched it.
Howdie stranger!
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