Farmland can be a very beautiful subject. It's inspired poetry by William Wordsworth and Beethoven's 6th symphony. Bucolic hills with grazing cattle or a barnyard full of chickens can make many wish to turn their backs on the hustle and bustle of city life.
Take a creative shot of a farm or a field, but make sure it's a rural area. Animals and people are allowed as long as they fit into the farm theme.
Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Pat: Would you allow an HDR farm shot? ( 5 years and 3107 days ago )
drskn08: Pat ! You can post HDR i think as HDRs are allowed now in newly added rules and regulations. Better you see the rules section yourself once. ( 5 years and 3107 days ago )
k5683: yes, hdr is allowed here ( 5 years and 3107 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Great atmosphere, but please could we have a high res.
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Also save full resolution image.
Your image doesn't need to be enormous, anything between 2.5mg and 3.5mg is plenty big enough.
Good luck
author says:
Thank you very much, to you both.
I've added a high res pic now - last night it kept timing out.. Seems to be working now.
The overall composition of this shot is kind of boring, with the mountain in the center of the background dominating the photo and just "sitting there..." It would help the visual movement if you cropped it on the left, so that the eye would then be encouraged to come down the right side to the house at the bottom, then following the ground lines back up to the left side of the mountain to start the journey around the photo once again.
I have to disagree with Mossy B on this one. I would keep it just the way it is as far as compostion goes because my eye went right from the mountain to the little house. To me, the little house in the middle of nowhere is VERY interesting. It is all opinion though and what interests the viewer. The ONLY thing I could say is possibly mess with the curves or levels JUST A HAIR. This is so beautiful to me!!
I wouldn't change the entry either. To me, the eye is naturally drawn to the house as it sits in a brighter patch of grass compaired to rest of the image. Our eye is naturally drawn to the bright parts of an image. To me, this looks like a great place - I could imagine exploring the hills and surounds as a kid ... sigh
To my point of view, composition is excelent, not perfect but excelent, All set a visual game: the river, the house, the mountain, the fog, the green blanket... you can almost smell the moisture.
The picture IMHO is full of cold optimism. Good luck!
Wonderful effort. The only nit-pik is the leaning of the trees on both sides due to barrel distortion. You can adjust it by skewing out the corners a wee bit (Ctrl + F, hold Ctrl. key as you drag a top corner out horizontally, then repeat with the bottom corner to create a "negative" barrel distortion. Work at a higher magnification to see where the trees start to bend.
Sorry, I was just dreaming of the kind of things I wish we could do. Not suggesting you do it, as we are not allowed.
author says:
but why to remove a power line as its part of farms in many rural area (atleast where ever i see) ? Do the power lines affect a photograph adversely that much... even though they don't interfere with the main object ?
"Do the power lines affect a photograph adversely that much"
guess not really, we all know they are around and we need them, guess we just like to see nature without the.
Powerlines are distractive because they create "lines" that makes the eye watch elsewhere than the main focus.
And you must admit that this horrible electric pilone spoils this beautiful landscape.
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Stunning colors and lighting - the sky is awesome! My fav.
Great atmosphere, but please could we have a high res.
Go to;
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find this entry and click on ;
edit entry
Also save full resolution image.
Your image doesn't need to be enormous, anything between 2.5mg and 3.5mg is plenty big enough.
Good luck
Thank you very much, to you both.
I've added a high res pic now - last night it kept timing out.. Seems to be working now.
Thanks for the HIgh Res, amazing light.
Lovely dramatic pic, wonderful, good luck!
This Shot is Awesome!!!!
Great shot!
Thanks everyone. I'm so lucky to have such beautiful countryside to roam.
Wonderful Shot the sky looks so charming
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: