Pompey Pillar, Alexandria - created by momvera

Pompey Pillar, Alexandria
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 16/28Score: 61.5% (0)6465 views

There is a hill littered with the remains of ancient walls in the southwest of the city, near the large Arab cemetery. Alexandria's largest ancient monument, Pompey's Pillar, stands there. It is rising from the ruins of the ancient and famous Serapeion (Temple of Serapis). This column of red Aswan granite with a Corinthian capital, rising to a height of almost 27m with a circumference of 9m, is traditionally believed to have been erected by the Emperor Theodosius to commemorate the victory of Christianity over paganism and the destruction of the Serapeion in 391. More probably, however, it was set up in 292 in honor of Diocletian, who supplied food for the starving population after the siege of the city.
The Arabs called it "Amoud el-Sawari", Column of the Horsemen. The Pillar is the tallest ancient monument in Alexandria.

The surrounding area includes the remains of the Serapeum temple, the “daughter” library of Alexandria and a “Nilometer” for measuring the annual Nile Floods. Nearby are subterranean galleries, where the sacred Apis bulls were buried, and three sphinxes. (5 years and 3082 days ago)

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Windermere Town Hall - created by Remsphoto

Windermere Town Hall
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 17/28Score: 61.4% (0)5643 views

Established in 1889, the town of Windermere (Florida) is only 1.1 square miles in size with less that 2000 residents. This all wood building was built in 1922 as the Old Windermere Womens Club and adopted as the city's official Town Hall in 1922. It's on the National Register of Historic Places along with two other late 1800's buildings. The city has no traffic lights, 30 mile hour speeds and tough cops to maintain this unique american city. (5 years and 3081 days ago)

tin mine - created by kathyw

tin mine
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 18/28Score: 61.2% (0)4723 views

The mines of the Great Flat Lode helped to provide employment to Men (miners), women and children (Ore dressers) at a time when the rest of the Cornish Mining industry was in decline. As the copper ores became exhausted in about 1870, the mines went deeper to the high quality tin concentrations underlying the copper. This gave the mines of the Great Flat Lode a new lease of life. After some of the companies amalgamated in the late 1890's the mines continued producing until about 1918. (5 years and 3077 days ago)

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Chateau des Ducs - created by Artifakts

Chateau des Ducs
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 19/28Score: 61.2% (0)5505 views

The Lordship of ESTAIMBOURG (Belgium) is mentioned from the 12th century. Over the centuries it passed into the hands of various families and the last, the "les Ducs de Bourgogne" built the present castle. This is not the first built on the site. Indeed, the records mention two destructions. One in 1340, during the Hundred Years War. The other in 1478 by French troops of Louis XI. After, the castle became a town hall. Today, it has become an amusement park. The castle is neo-medieval made of brick and stone. It is a 2-storey building under roof. It is surrounded by a moat, crossable by a bridge with. Nearby, there are dependencies of neo-classical style. (5 years and 3079 days ago)

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Michelagelo's Dome - created by cocor

Michelagelos Dome
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 20/28Score: 60.8% (0)5187 views

St. Peter's Dome is one of symbols of Rome. It was built on Michelangelo Buonarrotti's plans in the middle of the16th century.
The view during sunsets is often breathtaking. (5 years and 3081 days ago)