Surreal Captures - Photography Contest [12 entries]

Smile Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

How do you capture the impossible? Or how do you make something look impossible and surreal? Probably your main questions in this contest because you'll have to photograph a surreal scene.

Yes this sounds hard (and it is) but it is the task. To avoid any issues.... a description should be added to let everyone know why this is "surreal" it it is not apparent.

Maybe you can paste a mask on someones belly or when you somewhere have a whole in the wall you could make someones head vanish in the it and cover the rest of the wall up... If you think about it the possibilities are just limited by your imagination. Think out a surreal scene and find the solution to turn it into a photo.

You need to explain in the SBS how you made this shot.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Suggested by: robvdn

k5683: hmmm, not quite understanding the description. maybe it is just too late for me ( 5 years and 2908 days ago )
meatman: I am trying to figure out the head vanishing in the wall ?????? ( 5 years and 2908 days ago )
Heathcliffe: Hmmm. I'm lost too. I can only really imagine eiffel tower type pics with perspective play. ( 5 years and 2907 days ago )
kyricom: I'm not sure about the description, but generally surrealism was an artistic movement that felt our subconscious, or dreams, provided a more real interpretation of "our" reality than reality did. Think of Salvidor Dali paintings for examples. ( 5 years and 2907 days ago )
kyricom: Here's a link to surrealism if anyone is interested ( 5 years and 2907 days ago )
Contest Moderator: The object here is to create a scene (photo) that seems impossible. REMINDER that photoshop is still not allowed for this contest.

Here are some good examples:

( 5 years and 2907 days ago )
EmiK: I like it, very challenging. ( 5 years and 2907 days ago )
meatman: In my opinion, since the individual that makes their entry might have their own definition of surrealism, let your vote reflect your own definition. ( 5 years and 2906 days ago )
kyricom: ummmm... surrealism is already defined very well. It was a literary movement, and then an even bigger visual arts movement. Definitions for it are all over the place, it isn't "individual" ( 5 years and 2906 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Yes this sounds hard (and it is) but it is the task. To avoid any issues.... a description should be added to let everyone know why this is "surreal" it it is not apparent. ( 5 years and 2906 days ago )
robvdn: IMHO every photo entered which is taken 'out on the streets' is basically off theme, this contest asks for preparation and a studio set up. There's a difference between 'looking surreal' and 'surrealism', these kind of contest never give a problem in photoshop so I do not understand why it is such a big problem now... :s ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: I believe you just answered your own question about why it is such a problem. The problem is the preparation and studio set up related to photography vs. PS. Digital manipulation such as photoshop, etc., make surrealism the norm. Many folks, such as myself, don't have the studio equipment, etc. to construct elaborate lighting setups, subject layouts, and such. We work with what we got. I can't even afford a SLR. This whole contest is turning out to be more SURREAL, then the entries thus far. Dali would of been proud of us. I can see him now with his melted watch twisting his handlebar mustache peering into his Freudian interpretation of this nightmare. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
MnMCarta: Not all contests will have every member able to enter. Sometimes there are rules that make it impossible for some such as snow for myself. I cant enter those because it doesnt snow here. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: True. But even those that probably have the equipment appear that they are having a Freudian moment with this contest. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
kyricom: I agree that not everyone can enter every theme. MnMCarta can't enter snow themes, I have a hard time with grafitti or urban themes because we live in a village of 2,000 out in the middle of nowhere. There's something like that for most of us. I think the "equipment" issue is a little misleading. Yes, if someone happens to have a fully stocked studio (I wish I did) it would be much easier, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Equipment between members would be an issue on every theme. If we're taking pictures of birds, someone with a point and shoot would be at a disadvantage to someone with 1000mm professional glass. But, I've always found that those members without big bank accounts can make up for a lot (and pass everyone) with ingenuity and creativity. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
captgeo: Bravo... well said Kyricom!!!!!! ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: that being said, the equipment is more or less a moot point in this contest at the present time. Because I know that most likely some of the entries had access to the fine equipment, but still failed to pass the sniff test for being a "surreal" entry. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
Wayne Cheah: So we are back to having / giving the "idea" of surrealism in the image rather than "showing / creating" surrealistic images. Perhaps the problem we are all having is due to a confusion between "surreal" and "surrealism"? ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
Wayne Cheah: And may I add that the reference photo for this contest (little girl and bear) may be surreal but not a surrealism as such. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: Sometimes, when I am in the throes of a subliminal, surrealistic train of thought, I wonder if I am in the midst of philosophers and analytical scientists, instead of visual artists. . ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
kyricom: If I photograph someone being athletic, I am photographing athleticism. If I photograph someone being patriotic, I am photographing patriotism. And... if you photograph something surreal, you can photograph surrealism. I'm not sure I'm seeing what the problem is here. It is not difficult at all to find definitions of surrealism. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: Me thinks I have now entered the surrealistic zone. Yes, indeedy!! Beam me down, Scotty. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
nem: Not going too deep into media theory, it seems this contest has two totally different targets: photographing the impossible, or making something look impossible and surreal. Because of this I think "surreal captures" should be best described by Webster's:

"unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike, phantasmagorical."

So here you go… One doesn't need to know about the 1930s surrealistic movement to take "surreal" pics in the 21st century ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
kyricom: Yes, nem. Dreamlike, phantasmagorical are good descriptors. Think the ID, or subconscious mind ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
Wayne Cheah: Hi nem. There are 10 words in that definition. Can we chose just one or must the image represent all the concepts those words represent?...because each and every word has its own varied sub-definition(s) too. Let's take the first two words, "unreal" & "bizarre" What is unreal may not necessarily be bizarre, or must the image be both unreal and bizarre? When you have a contest on a multi-definitional theme like this, you have to expect multi-definitional entries. ( 5 years and 2905 days ago )
meatman: This ongoing post is seeming more and more "bizarre,weird and strange". How about this: If the moderator does not remove your entry just use your vote to reflect your own opinion as to whether it meets the criteria of surrealism. ( 5 years and 2904 days ago )
lincemiope: we are voting, there are good pictures, but without SBS, was not required to submit one? ( 5 years and 2900 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Smile - created by friiskiwi

Favs: 5SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 1/12Score: 74.2% (45)7420 views

(5 years and 2906 days ago)

Just hanging on a wall... - created by karaflazz

Just hanging on a wall...
Favs: 3SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 2/12Score: 73.2% (39)7442 views

(5 years and 2903 days ago)

Homage - created by kyricom

Favs: 1SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 3/12Score: 70.5% (31)6170 views

(5 years and 2904 days ago)

incredible - created by matka

Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 4/12Score: 68.6% (24)8032 views

(5 years and 2908 days ago)

The Last Dream - created by kyricom

The Last Dream
Favs: 2SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 5/12Score: 66.4% (17)6778 views

(5 years and 2905 days ago)